Your Princess is in Another Castle

It's a stormy day at the local pub where you and your fellow heroes are relaxing after a difficult campaign. However, someone bursts in, pleading for help as their Princess had just been kidnapped by an evil Dragon and taken away to a Castle! You're a bit tired, but a job is a job, and having that money would be nice...

The client explains that getting to the castle will be difficult, and that the Dragon is insanely possessive over the Princess. You and your crew are going to have to work together and figure out how you can go about taking the Princess back right under the Dragon's nose! You're going to need it, the Dragon could probably decimate your entire team if you don't go in with a plan...

Woah! What's this? Not a Fantasy OR High School event?!? That's right! We're going to introduce you to a third type of event, the DnD events! These are events that take entirely within the DnD world that the students themselves created, the ones that their OCs are native to. Unlike the Fantasy World, the Darkness is not present here and instead the OCs find themselves going on adventures without having to accompany their student counterparts, or have them be controlling their bodies. We wanted to give the OCs a little bit more something to on their own, so we hope you enjoy this! Don't worry about Fantasy Borns, either, they can act as Self-Inserts into this world!


Prompt 1: Put together a team

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 exp for every additional character not yours involved)

The Client as run in and proposed their task, now it's up to you to put together a team of your fellow heroes and figure out who is willing to go with you! Draw your character gearing up alongside at least one other OC that isn't yours!

Prompt 2: Onwards to the Castle!

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 exp for every additional character not yours involved)

Take the same team that you formed earlier and venture off towards the castle! They'll be crossing bridges, going through caves, traversing through the woods, and all sorts of other hazardous places as they make their way to their destination! Draw out whatever troubles they face along the way!

Prompt 3: Traversing the Castle itself

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 exp for every additional character not yours involved)

Just because you reached the castle, doesn't mean your adventure is over yet! There are a TON of boobie traps that are not to be taken lightly! Draw your character or their team avoiding these traps on their way to the Princess's chamber!

Prompt 4: Pose as the Princess

500 EXP (Double if 3+ panel comic)

(+200 exp for every additional character not yours involved)

Your team found the Princess! However, she tells you that the Dragon comes to check up on her very frequently. There wouldn't be enough time for you to escape with her before she starts chasing you all down. She states that fighting this Dragon is NOT an option. It is way too powerful to be taken down. Instead, one member of your team will have to stay behind and swap places with the Princess.

Once your team has escaped with the Princess safely, it's now up to you to escape... if you can!

(Note that you can either draw your character or one of your teammates as the Princess!)

Prompt 5: RP Party

An RP event will be announced in September/October! Look out for a posting!


- Artwork must at least be colored and half body.

- Backgrounds are not required!

- Written Entries are allowed for anyone! Literature will earn the same amount as art, but without any bonuses (such as comic bonus).

- 1500 words required individually 2500 words required if collabing with partner (or you're using two of your own characters) (+1000 words for every additional character of yours you also include in it).

- You cannot do both a Written Entry and a Art submission for the same prompt (unless otherwise stated)

- RP Logs are okay though! They must be at least 2000 words.

- Please ask for permission to use another person's character in your art if you aren't sure they're okay with it!

- If you own two characters, and you put them both in the same picture, then they will both get exp/stars from it.

- Collabs are allowed! Both members will get the same amount of exp/stars for a collab.

- PLEASE DON’T OVERWORK YOURSELF!!! This is just for fun, so don’t try to tire yourself out!

If you have any other questions, please ask!

Event due: December 1nd, 2022