Character Creation Limitations


  • COLOR PALETTE - The official uniform must consist of this color palette. The colors are not restricted to a specific gender.

  • SHOES - Shoes for all students are not mandatory, but still highly preferred. They must remain black or close to black in color.

  • SLEEVES - They can be at any length.

  • CUSTOM JACKETS - They are allowed and can be shown on the app art! If there is an image/words shown on the jacket, please keep it PG-13.

  • FEMALE/MALE UNIFORMS - There are no restrictions. Male students can wear the female uniform and females can wear the male uniform. Different clothing can also be combined (ie. female sweater with male pants).

  • SOCKS - They can be any color and any length.


  • COLOR VARIANTS - If there are multiple canon colorations of the Pokemon species, this will be accepted! This includes shiny, Pinkan, and Smash/Pokken alternative colors.

      • MUTATIONS - They are allowed! However, they're limited to albino, melanistic, and vitiligo (between different accepted color variations).

  • FORMS - Alternative forms such as Alolan and Galarian are also allowed! However, a student cannot constantly be in a mega-evolution state.

  • HEIGHT - The shortest allowable height is 4'0"! We do allow students that are shorter than that height, but please be aware that you risk the potential of your application being rejected.

  • WEIGHT - The weight correlates with your student's height. We usually follow typical BMI unless the Pokemon is known for being relatively heavy or light. If your student is overweight/underweight, it must correlate with their appearance.



      • LEVITATION - The student cannot float to extreme heights. Unless the student is jumping to increase elevation (which would be the jumping height of a normal person), their height will relatively remain the same. At most, they can pick their legs off the ground and remain the same elevation.

      • WINGS - Students cannot fly.

      • HEIGHTENED SIGHT/HEARING - This is allowed! However, your student cannot hear/see unreasonable distances. Having heightened senses does not allow you to see through walls or easily track someone down by scent through a trail that's a couple days old. At most, you just have really good 20/20 vision and smell better than the average person.

      • STRENGTH - It'll be based on normal human levels of strength.

      • EXTRA LIMBS - These are allowed as long as it's a key feature about the Pokemon species! You can't go and give Pikachu two new sets of arms, but Ambipoms can have a prehensile tail and Cofagrigus can maintain their extra ghost hands.

      • FIRE-BREATHING - No.

      • FLAMING BODY PARTS - This goes for fire tails, hair, or fire radiating off of a student. They cannot burn things and may be warn to the touch.

      • ANIMALISTIC - Students are able to purr, whimper, or howl if their Pokemon is based off of a feline or canine.

      • TYPE-ATTRIBUTES - They're allowed to be nuanced and small! It's always a good idea to ask.

          • GHOST-TYPE - You are not allowed to see or phase through walls.

          • FIRE-TYPE - They are able to have a warmer body temperature and withstand colder temperatures.

          • GRASS-TYPE - They can breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen and have a generally more green thumb. They can also be more energetic in sunlight and drowsier on cloudy days. However, grass-types cannot completely rely on sunlight for a source of food.

          • FIGHTING-TYPE - They'll be able to have an easier time developing muscle structures and have a higher default level of strength than the average person. However, it won't be Pokemon-levels of strong. They are nerfed in this world.

          • ELECTRIC-TYPE - They can have designated spots on their body that is static (ie. a Pikachu's cheeks).

          • WATER-TYPE - They can be strong swimmers and hold their breath longer. They'll have an easier time with training to be on the skill-level of an Olympic swimmer.

          • BUG-TYPE - They can be good climbers, but not on the level of scaling walls and ceilings. They would have an easier time climbing trees and rock walls.

          • STEEL-TYPE - They are less likely to be sick and if they drink alcohol, they'll be able to hold their liquor better. They are not completely immune of poison, however. They just have a higher tolerance. They also don't bruise easily and are more durable and strong.

          • ROCK-TYPE - They can be generally stronger.

          • ICE-TYPE - They are prone to sickness in warmer weather and can get heat-stroke.

          • DRAGON-TYPE - They get sick easier in colder weather.

          • PSYCHIC-TYPE - They are not allowed to mind-read or accurately predict the future (which would be god-modding). Instead, they are able to have higher levels of empathy and everything they sense is a hunch. The hunch can't always be accurate, though. Roll a dice if you need to!

If you have any questions for your student's abilities that isn't present on this list, it is always a good idea to ask in the #help channel on our Discord server! Just because it's not a rule, doesn't mean it's instantly allowed. Please use your common sense! If the trait alters the world we live in, opens the floor to god-modding, or is considered too powerful/OP, the chances of it being rejected are high.