School Shop

Welcome to the School Shop!

Learn about how you can earn stars to buy items for the group, as well as learn what the items can do for you! If you already know how it works, please click on either the "School Items" or "Fantasy Items" down below, depending if they're only meant for school or the fantasy world!

What are stars?

By participating in events that take place in the High school world, your character will receive stars. You’ll be able to use these to unlock stuff in the High School world. These do NOT reflect with one’s grades, so your student could still be doing well/badly in school. Stars are more of how active your character is with other activities.

How to earn Stars:

Event Completion Reward: Each School based event will have a prompt you can do. It will also list the amount of stars you get for that prompt!

Tardy Event: If you're a week late and still want to submit for an event that has ended, you can still do as such, but will only earn half the stars as normal.

Ask Me Responses: Half a star

RP Logs: Half a Star for every 1000 words (for each character involved)

Draw a character on their birthday: Student (2 Stars), OC (200 EXP)

Meme Completion Star Worth

0 Stars:

- Heart Chart

Half a Star:

- Role Reversal Meme (Collab)

- Anthro/Gijinka Meme

- Minion Meme

- Fusion Meme (Solo or Collab)

- Genderbend Meme (Singluar Ver)

- Voice Meme

- Archetype Meme (Singluar Ver)

- Kiss Meme (Collab)

- Crackship (Collab)

- Outfit Meme (Singular Ver)

- Super Villain Meme

- Handy Dandy Meme

- Alternate Color Meme

- Pride Meme

1 Star:

- Switcheroo Meme (Collab)

- Bodyswap Meme (Collab)

- Species Swap Meme (Collab)

- Genderbend Meme (Both Student & OC)

- Locker Meme

- Kiss Meme (Both Sides)

- Crackship meme (Both characters)

- Art Trade Meme

- Any expired event meme

1.5 Stars:

- Wealth Meme

2 Stars:

- Switcheroo Meme (Both Sides)

- Bodyswap Meme (Both Sides)

- Species Swap Meme (Both Sides)

- CrackShip Meme (Three characters)

3 Stars:

- Archetype Meme (Full Version)

- Outfit Meme (Full Version)

- Hairstyle Meme


- Family Portrait Meme (0.5 - 5 Stars)

- Evolution Meme (0.5 - 2 Stars)

- Love Child Meme (0.5 - 5 Stars)

- Type Change Meme (0.5 - 9 Stars)

- Age Meme (0.5 - 2.5 Stars)

- Gift Art Meme (Headshots) (1-2 Stars)

- Gift Art Meme (Bust shots) (2-4 Stars)

- Gift Art Meme (Full bodies) (3-6 Stars)

- IC/OOC Meme (300 EXP)


- All events last for 3 months after they start. If you are late and require an extension, that will count as being tardy!

- You have 1 week to submit a tardy event! This requires you to submit a WIP to the group before the deadline!

- All art must be colored (Lined or lineless!)

- Should be at least a bust shot

- Doing a meme with your Fantasy character will count as stars towards the student counterpart!

- If you do a meme that doesn't have any of your characters in it, bonus stars will be evenly distributed amongst all your characters.

- RP logs no longer have a cap for how many times you can enter them per month!

- RP Logs used for Events don't count towards General RP Log Bonus stars!

- Birthday drawings MUST be posted no later or earlier than 24 hours before/after said character's birthday

- Birthday drawings must be Half Body and Colored!

- All Birthday drawings MUST go in the birthday folder!

- You can only do one Birthday drawing per character! (One for OC, and one for Student)

- As long as it's not consumed, you can return an item for half the price. You cannot refund half a star items.