
Download your chosen size of Brexitometer file here:

Landscape A0 pdf: here

Portrait A0 pdf: here

Landscape A1 pdf: here

Portrait A1 pdf: here

Landscape A2 pdf: here

Portrait A2 pdf: here

Welsh language A1: here

Welsh language A2: here


Brexitometers started off as a spontaneous grassroots venture and are subsequently being organised by a couple of groups and individuals, principally Brexitometer HQ. And here's a map .

Social Media

On Twitter they are @brexitometerhq and @brexitometerC

On Facebook it's BrexitometerHQ:

This is more a discussion forum for future plans and sharing of tips and info. There is as yet no "page" on Facebook due to lack of volunteer time.


Brexitometer HQ says "We mainly work as a data mining initiative supporting and promoting events run by Peoples Vote, Britain 4 Europe and Wales 4 Europe groups and the main political parties. We are keen to support individuals outside those groups who want to "just do it" and have electronic materials to help them. The reality is all they really need is a flip chart, a marker pen and some sticky dots."

Brexitometer HQ message to supporters for weekend of 26/27 January 2019

"Hi all as you know we have been tweeting brexitometers for the past few months this weekend with your help we would like to try something different to get more impact on a national level. Last weekend we ran a couple of trials of a new brexitometer question and answer set. This weekend those of us on Brexitometer HQ would like to try something different in order to maximise our onward impact from all the events with MPs. Instead of our usual range of questions we want to encourage as many groups to go out across the country with a single question and set of answers. Then when they finish not only tweet the resulting image but also count up the number of votes for each option.

A few of us will then gather all the different boards and results together to create a national brexitometer with regional and demographic variants and a short report to use on social media and in contact with press and MPs in the run up to the vote next Tuesday. We have tried to distill all the options available down to five responses to this single question.

If you were an MP which solution to Brexit would you support next week?

1 Leave EU with No trade deals

2 Renegotiate MAY deal with EU

3 Call a General Election

4 Hold a Peoples Vote

5 Revoke A50 and stay in the EU

We realise this is short notice but we had to wait until after the statement yesterday before making a final decision. However we are dependant on local supporters across the country to go out on their local high street and do the hard graft in order for this to work. So can I ask you all to work with your local political party or pro EU group to get a Brexitometer onto the streets of your town. Even if you can only spare an hour or two the combined results that everyone in this group alone could achieve could make a significant impact to an onward Social media campaign."

By the way: who invented the Brexitometer? Answers to ukproeurnet at please. I know we didn't coin the term but we were early on the streets with punter feedback. This is October 2016 in Blackheath: