
A provisional version of the Withdrawal Agreement and the 25 November political declaration (PD) have been published in the EU Official Journal C series (link above).

The C series concerns "Information and Notices" i.e. non-binding texts. If or when the WA is concluded (ratified) and takes effect it would be re-published in the L series as a binding text ("Legislation"). This scenario does not apply to the PD.

Thanks to MarkJ

See also OJ index page, two columns

Get Richard Corbett's app: Doorstep EU see

Institute of Government August 2018 Scenarios for the remainder of the time:

University of Sussex report on food implications of Brexit:

CBI survey of business showing they are not at all keen to diverge from EU regulations.

Definitive papers on how the EU works by the Senior European Experts (ie UK former civil servants and diplomats):

Legal Milestones on the Road to Brexit: The People’s Challenge Guide. updated December 2017

AC Grayling's case - Parliament has not yet taken the decision to leave -

The Bill formerly known as The Great Repeal Bill, (now the EU Withdrawal Bill)

external link to the Bill itself:

and to a Government page with much explanatory material including the offer of alerts on Parliamentary progress:

Best for Britain

Best for Britain Campaign Handbook (v.3 of version 1) Source page (with link, but also to posters etc)

Best for Britain Petition Campaign Withdrawal Bill Campaign Pack (v.1)

Best for Britain Press Templates and Flyers

Tony Blair "Brexit and the Centre" download

60 Scottish prominent people call for Brexit to be reversed:

Campaign Handbook here: