

Sub-page: Model Letters, current

This contains various approaches of which the most comprehensive is the

now opened up to all groups: (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I7eEoXM-r3FOjTx0vDPu8wbLP_nytyPX )

(Older material below this point)

There are various online tools for lobbying MPs direct: try BestforBritain.org and RepresentUs. In November 2017 the European Movement UK launched a resource pack: http://havethefinalsay.co.uk/. Things are developing, so watch this space. In early 2018 we will need to write to Lords as well as MPs. The successful Grieve Amendment letter templates are stored for historical interest in this page: model lettersn - old and current work will go into a new sub-page model letters - current.

ERG - how to lobby against their influence: https://nodust.co/the-european-research-group/


Petition watch lists all the petitions on the go: http://www.petitionwatch.eu/pw/. It has a Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PetitionArmy/

Petitition for a Referendum on the final deal : link to petition.

Petition for a House of Commons Vote on whether Brexit should be cancelled: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/200952

Constituency by constituency information

Remember that each constituency group can get email alerts for every Parliamentary intervention by their MP by using the MySociety gadget here: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/alert/by-postcode/

And you can track your MP's voting using CommonsVotes: https://commonsvotes.digiminster.com/

Ones to watch

The All Party Parliamentary Group on EU Relations is supported by certain pro-EU groups, but not BfE: http://www.eurelations.uk/

/ database of correspondence breakdown into categories of parliamentary voting pattern /

Campaigns to join

Vote Leave Watch: http://www.voteleavewatch.org.uk/

Infacts: https://infacts.org/

Common Ground: http://www.commongrounduk.com/blog/

May 2018 Council Elections - separate page here