Grassroots initiatives

The first initiative at Grassroots group level was a letter to the Heads of Government meeting for the European Council meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 16 September 2016. Signed by a disappointingly small number of groups, it said:

The UK’s vote to leave the EU has dismayed those of us who campaigned for Remain. We believe the EU provides the best structure for European countries to address common problems, that it creates opportunity for its people and helps safeguard their fundamental rights.

We understand the sadness that many in Europe feel following our referendum because we feel it more deeply. In the aftermath of the referendum, pro-EU groups have been formed across the UK. In private houses, pubs and community halls everywhere, people who remain committed to continuing UK membership have been coming together to organise political action.

Local groups are increasingly coming together nationwide, and tens of thousands of us have attended rallies across the country. We ask whether the referendum result can be the final word because the mendacious populism of the Leave campaign undermined the legitimacy of the process. In the end, there was a slim majority vote for a proposal that was never clearly defined; to the extent that clear commitments were made, these have quickly vanished.

So we are reaching out in solidarity to the people of Europe and to you, their elected leaders, and we ask you to help us avert an historic mistake which would damage both the UK and the EU. As you meet in Bratislava on 16 September and in your subsequent dealings with our government, please remember that 48% voted to remain part of the European Union and are still campaigning for that to happen. We have not given up on the EU; do not give up on us!

More recently, letters have been organised by the Grassroots for Europe formation, and these can be seen on the Leeds for Europe website here: