Sharing the Planet

Unit 5

Central Idea

The actions of living things influence relationships, communities, and the environment.

Lines of Inquiry

  • How humans positively and negatively affect the environment

  • How living things interact with one another to build relationships

  • The needs of a community


In this unit, scholars will read Holes and analyze how the characters influence each other through their relationships. They will also see that some characters have access to more resources than others. Scholars will learn about a group of boys who have gotten into trouble with the law and how they learn to work together in difficult circumstances. At the end of the book, scholars will see how one environment was used by many living things in different ways.


Eureka Module 6- Decimal Fractions

Module 6, on decimal fractions, starts with the realization that decimal place value units are simply special fractional units: 1 tenth = 1/10, 1 hundredth = 1/100, etc. Fluency plays an important role in this topic as students learn to relate 3/10 = 0.3 = 3 tenths. They also recognize that 3 tenths is equal to 30 hundredths and subsequently have their first experience adding and subtracting fractions with unlike units e.g., 3 tenths + 4 hundredths = 30 hundredths + 4 hundredths.


As scholars ready themselves for the Writing STAAR on April 7th, they will be working on evaluating how to revise and edit passages. They will also be practicing composition writing skills on various writing prompts.


In this “Sharing the Planet” unit, scholars will be exposed to the natural world and how different systems interact with one another. Scholars will explore how humans have an impact on the world around them. They will understand the role humans have in conservation and preservation when it comes to ecosystems, habitats, etc. Students will observe change through learning that producers need sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce their own food. Consumers depend on plants or other organisms for food.