Where We Are in Place and Time

Unit 5:

Central Idea

Personal histories are shaped by those before us and the events that have happened previously in our own lives.

Lines of Inquiry

  • How people change over time due to the impact of relationships

  • How events have impacted individuals and societies

  • Historical events that have influenced the way we live today


This unit explores how those of influence can impact our lives as well as our own life experiences. Scholars will reflect on the actions and personal histories of others who have impacted their own lives. In Matilda, scholars will learn about a young girl who is wise beyond her years and how she made an impact on those around her. They will also learn about characters who negatively impacted Matilda’s and other characters’ lives, and how through education and devotion they overcame those obstacles.


Eureka Module 7- Geometry and Measurement Word Problems

In this unit, scholars will solve two-step word problems involving the four operations, and improve their fluency for concepts and skills initiated earlier in the year. In Module 7, scholars also describe, analyze, and compare properties of two-dimensional shapes. By now, scholars have done enough work with both linear and area measurement models to understand that there is no relationship in general between the area of a figure and perimeter, which is one of the concepts taught in the last module.


In Writing third graders will examine a fractured fairytale and note the character development, magic and enchantment that is included. They will then plan for and write a fractured fairytale for one of the classic fairytales focusing on changing something about the plot and/or character. Scholars will include a dialogue and paragraphing as well as detailed character development in their fairytale. They will also include the setting, multiple scenes and character motivations in their fairytale. Their fairytale will align to our Fiction thinking job (Character, Problem, Solution, Lesson Learned) and include a lesson that aligns with our unit, Who we are in place in time such as change or communication.


In this unit, scholars will understand that inventions help us to see the world in a different way, as a result of the work others have done before us (which connects to our central idea). Scholars will see that choices regarding our water resources affect our lives, and notice how the water cycle works. Scholars will study the weather and explain why it changes. They will also learn the planets in our solar system and represent what they learned by creating a model.