Leading Ladies

of the 2024 Paris Olympics

women's sports are overlooked, the statistics are outdated, and there is a lack of information regarding the players. We are here to fix that!

Learn about the most likely leaders of all 12 of the teams in the Summer 2024 Paris Olympics

A note on Sources.....

Because of the lack of media coverage on women's soccer, information can be extremely difficult to find. Even basic information like a player's caps or goals scored can be contradictory or out of date by years. Finding videos of these women playing was also a significant challenge. We have done our best to ensure the accuracy of our information, but it is possible and even likely that we made mistakes! Coverage is vital to increasing attention and passion for women's soccer. It is too easy to bounce off the sport if a potential fan Googles their national team and cannot even find an up-to-date roster. We hope that by engaging with and pulling together what sources do exist, we can encourage more writing, media, and fan attention for a sport that has changed so many players' lives.