club career

 In 2008, Popp began playing for FCR 2001 Duisburg earning her first Bundesliga cap. In her first season, Popp won both the UEFA Women’s Cup and the German Cup, a tournament in which she won the following year as well. In 2012, Popp made the transition to the VfL Wolfsburg team where she won the treble: the Frauen-Bundesliga championship, DFB-Pokal Frauen, and the UEFA Women’s Champions league. 

alexandra popp

33|striker|137 caps | 67 goals


Born in Witten, Germany, Alexandra Popp has grown up with soccer surrounding her. Popp was the only female student at one of Germany’s elite schools of football. Additionally, she trained with many men’s Bundesliga junior teams until she signed with FFC Recklinghausen in 2007.

international career

Popp made her international debut with the senior team in 2010, and will be playing in her second olympics. In 2016, the German team won the gold medal, but failed to qualify for the tournament in 2020. With 137 international caps and 67 goals, Popp is looking to lead her team to the same results as their last appearance, and add another gold to her collection. 

“If we concentrate on ourselves and get our game onto the pitch, if we show our quality and turn up as a united team — then we’re very difficult to beat. We can be confident of that.”

Popp before World Cup 2023

Highlight REel

keep up with alexandra
