A Brief History of La Macina

Mimma Verducci and Duccio Trassinelli moved to the Pieve di San Cresci complex in 1991. They spent 10 years restoring the oldest parish church in the Chianti region. In 2001, the couple opened their home to the public as an artist residency and cultural center called La Macina di San Cresci.

La Macina is located one hour south of Florence, Italy, in the small town of Greve in Chianti. The surrounding hillsides are a patchwork of Tuscan life. Family-owned vineyards and olive groves offer tours. Villas with terracotta roofs and winding roads lined with cypress trees look like magazine covers.

Nearby towns are easily accessible by walking, biking, or bus. The Slow Road walking path loops from La Macina’s doorstep, through the medieval town of Montefioralle, and the main town of Greve. Along the way are artists' sculptures, viewing points, and artists’ studios.