Why is the name so damn long?

La Macina = the mill(stone)

di = of

San Cresci = from Holy Martyr Acrisio

Pronunciation: La Macheena dee San Kreshy

The artist residency is located in the Pieve di San Cresci complex. The pieve is a 948 CE parish church dedicated to San Cresci. There is an enormous millstone in the cellar of the church rectory, used for making olive oil.

What is an artist residency?

A place for artists to focus on their craft through workshops, self-driven projects, experimentation, and collaboration.

Who can apply for residency?

Artists! We host painters, writers, musicians, actors, dancers, podcasters, filmmakers, ceramicists, bronze sculptors, and more. We welcome emerging and experienced artists to apply.

Where are the artists from?

All over the world! About 2/3 of the artists are from the U.S. In the past month, we also had artists from India, Ireland, England, Turkey, and Serbia.

Where do the artists live while they are at La Macina?

Good question! Check out the artist facilities.

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