December 11 - Final Demos

*if for any reason you are too ill to make it to this important closing session, please make sure that your handouts make it to class. You'll need to notify me prior to the final session starting via email so we don't hold up the schedule.

Monday 12/11

  • Instructors change the format of the room
    • tables go around the edge of the room for demos, with seating arranged in the middle, for presentations.

Tuesday 12/12

8:45am - 9:00am - Demo Prep

    • Notice the different room layout, find the table with your team's board next to it.
    • Put 5 copies of each Design Hangout on the table, and make sure that the teaching team gets one copy of each.

9:00am - 9:30am - Lightning Presentations

  • Class photo
  • Grab snacks
  • Lightning Presentations (~4min max each) for all 6 Teams

9:30am - 10:30am - Open Team Demos & Walkthroughs

Divide your team into 3 (IceCreamScoop) or 2 (All other teams) and evenly split this 60 minute block. Each of these subgroups will then have their fraction of the 60 minutes of time to explore other team demos, review the prototype, ask questions about design decisions & process, etc.

At all times, there should be members of your team at your demo station, and other team members going through to visit other teams. As a visitor - your goal is to learn about other team project and design decisions. Take advantage of this time as it is your opportunity to consider the work of other projects and attempt gain some perspective by being exposed to the details of these 5 other projects.

10:30 - 11:00 - Clean Up, Self Assessment, Course Eval.

  • Clear your team board, putting artifacts in poster-sized envelopes (you make from the butcher paper roll)
  • return team boxes to their original states
  • Recycle the materials you don't want to keep for your portfolio
  • Make sure that your self assessment is submitted
  • Take the online course eval before leaving

After the session

  • You will get Final Refinement feedback before New Years, so that we can complete grading by the January deadline.