OGMS Students

A Message from Ms. Nensey

Assalamalaikum OGMS Friends,

I hope all of you are doing well amidst this very difficult situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. These are trying times for sure. Feeling anxious about lifestyle changes as well as the uncertainty of the situation is perfectly normal.

I know we miss being able to go out and have fun, and all the “Social distancing” definitely makes us miss our friends, and maybe school and our teachers too. I feel it too, believe me! If all of us follow the rules of “Social distancing” now, Insha’Allah it’ll help bring the situation under control sooner rather than later so that we can resume our normal lives. I hope the Distant Learning is helping in restoring some normality in your lives as we get to virtually interact with our friends and teachers.

Together, we hope and pray for the safety of everyone across the globe. In Shaa Allah looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

Take care my friends!

"Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace" (Quran - 13:28)

Dr. Yasir Qadhi says, "During these stressful times, all believers should memorize and find comfort in this verse:

قل لن يصيبنا إلا ما كتب الله لنا هو مولانا

'Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us! And He is our protector; let the believers put their trust in Him!'

How to rise above all challenges, overcome our fears and place our trust in Allah

I rise, you rise, we all rise to please Allah!

Emergency Contact Numbers

  • Peel Children's Centre - Tangerine Walk-in Counselling

Click Here to book a counselling session via phone

  • Crisis Services Canada
    Mental health crisis helpline: Call 1.833.456.4566 | Text 45645

  • Kids Help Phone
    24/7 national helpline: 1-800-668-6868

  • CMHA Peel-Dufferin

24/7 Mental health crisis helpline: 905-278-9036

  • Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK)
    24/7 Mental health crisis helpline: 905-878-9785

  • Naseeha Mental Health Helpline for Youth

Monday to Friday from 12 pm to 9 pm Eastern Time: 1.866.NASEEHA