Everyday Scaling and Root Planing in Okatie, SC

Scaling and root planing is the removal of all accretions on the teeth and diseased root structure. It’s a two-step procedure. The first step is deep cleaning or teeth scaling while root planing involves an even deeper dive with detailed scaling of the root surface. The role is to scale all plaque, bacteria and tartar deposits from your teeth and root surfaces.

To minimize any discomfort, anesthesia may be needed. At the end of the appointment, a normal polishing will be performed. Depending upon the extent of the disease, a second visit or more may be needed to fully debride the teeth, roots, and gums. For severe cases, a scaling may be done concurrently with a round of antibiotic(s).

Deep scaling and root planing is usually broken down into one section of the mouth per appointment. This allows for sufficient healing time and minimizes the time for each appointment.

Soreness may be felt for a few days following Scaling and Root Planing. Patients may be allowed to use over the counter anti-inflammatories and acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help reduce the pain while the body is healing.

Please let our staff know if you ever have pain following a procedure.

Periodontic Care and Gingivitis in Okatie, SC

Scaling and Root planing is a common procedure for patients with gingivitis, a generative disease that usually causes substantial tooth and gum deterioration. Early signs of gingivities includes plaque and tartar buildup. Gum bleeding and inflammation also suggests gingivitis.

However, Gingivitis is also one of the easiest to treat disease. Hygienist scale and polish the teeth.

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Off-Island Dental Care

1 Sherington Dr # H, Bluffton, SC 29910

(843) 815-7844