Say Goodbye to Discolored Spotty Teeth With

Dental Microabrasion in Hilton Head, SC

  • Poor Oral Hygiene. Poor oral hygiene cause decalcification and cavities, causing enamel on the teeth to dissolve. Plaque, a colorless film of bacteria, is also caused by poor dental practice.

  • Dry mouth. Not having enough saliva to keep your mouth’s neutral pH level can attack your teeth. Dry mouth can be caused by prescription drugs, certain medical conditions, tobacco use, and breathing through your mouth when sleeping.

  • Acid. Drinking acidic drinks and food can cause those unwanted spots. A highly acidic diet can rapidly eat away your teeth’s enamel through enamel microabrasion.

  • Celiac Disease. Celiac disease can also lead to undersized, yellowing, and discoloration of teeth. Enamel problems is common for people with celiac disease.

  • Fluoride (fluorosis). Excessive fluoride consumption can also cause white spots.

  • Genetics. White spots on your teeth could be caused by genetic disorders.

Discolored teeth are frequently seen in the general population. You are not alone, by any means. We at Off-Island Dental can help you get rid of that.

Dental MicroAbrasion in Hilton Head, SC is the Solution To Enamel MicroAbrasion

We may suggest microabrasion at your next appointment, but feel free to bring it up with us, too.

Off Island Dental Care Makes Your Smile Beautiful!

Call Us Today at 843-815-7844!

Off-Island Dental Care

1 Sherington Dr # H, Bluffton, SC 29910

(843) 815-7844