Benefits of Fluoride Treatment in Okatie, SC

Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps rebuild weakened tooth enamel and reverses early signs of tooth decay. It is usually found in water, soil, air and rocks, among other places in nature.

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at 843-815-7844 Today!

Okatie, SC: Who Can Benefit From Fluoride Treatment? Find Out Here.

⦁ Those with a history of cavities, as they are more susceptible to future decay.

⦁ Those with less than optimal dental hygiene. Those who don’t brush or floss regularly are prone to plaque and tartar, causing tooth decay.

⦁ Individuals who have restorations such as dental crowns and bridges. These teeth are particularly susceptible to decay at the point where the restoration meets the tooth.

⦁ Individuals with braces. Braces can trap food, making it harder to floss and brush adequately.

⦁ Frequent snackers and those with a high-sugar diet. Increased exposure to plaque and bacteria puts their teeth enamel at greater risk.

⦁ Bottled-water drinkers and others who don’t get enough fluoride.

⦁ Children whose permanent teeth have not yet developed. Early exposure to fluoride during childhood fortifies the permanent teeth before they even emerge, leading to teeth that are stronger and more decay-resistant for a lifetime.

⦁ Individuals with dry mouth. Among those with conditions that cause dry mouth include: diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome and conditions that require radiation therapy) or who take certain medications (such as drugs for allergies, depression and high blood pressure) can benefit from fluoride treatment.

Lastly, you will be asked to refrain from drinking, eating, rinsing or use of tobacco products for optimal results.

Fluoride Tteatment isn’t just for children. It’s very important for adults, too!

Enhance the health of your smile today.

Learn more about Fluoride Treatment and Cosmetic Dentistry.

Call Off Island Dental Care at 843-815-7844

For A Powerful and Effective Fluoride Treatment!

Off-Island Dental Care

1 Sherington Dr # H, Bluffton, SC 29910

(843) 815-7844