Cosmetic Dentistry Makes Your Whole Face Light Up

  • Cosmetic Dentistry Service

  • Top Cosmetic Dental work

  • Considered A Top Cosmetic Dentist

  • Quality Cosmetic Dentistry To Look Really Healthy

Treatments in Cosmetic Dentistry

There are new and highly advanced technologies in Cosmetic Dentistry. Currently, the following are the cosmetic dentistry treatments:

1. Indirect Fillings (Inlays/ Onlays)

Fillings are a long-lasting restoration of teeth with tooth decay. Our dental process is meant to cure structural damage using materials that are made of porcelain or composite. With your dental visit, dental fillings are molded into place within the damage tooth or teeth. The creation of inlays and onlays are done in a dental laboratory prior being fitted and adhesively bonded into place.

2. Teeth Whitening

Most probably, this is the most common recommended Cosmetic Dentistry procedure. Due to smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea or wine) or poor oral hygiene, teeth are frequently stained. However, this can be solved through bleaching teeth which enhances the appearance of your smile.

3. Dental Veneers

Porcelain or composite laminates improve a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration and are adhesively bonded to the surface of certain teeth. They correct and repair the chips, cracks and the color of your teeth. The recommendation of veneers is given where a person has gaps in his or her teeth and has not had success in the teeth whitening process.

4. Composite Bonding

This procedure repairs chipped, broken, and discolored teeth.. The application of a dental composite material with the look of enamel and dentin is then sculpted into shape, contoured and hardened with a high-intensity light. A restoration that balances invisibly with the remainder of the surrounding tooth structure and the rest of your natural teeth to create a healthy, bright smile. This is the possible result that you can enjoy after performing the treatment.

The Smile Makeover

The comprehensive assessment of the patient’s smile, esthetics is involved in the smile makeover type treatment for the purpose of improving its overall appearance.

In typical cases, the following are possibly required for a number of teeth in both the upper and lower arches in order to achieve the look the patient wants, such as dental veneers, dental implants, gingival sculpting and teeth whitening in one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures.

6. Invisible Braces

These types of braces have no wires, no brackets; just clear, convenient and efficient with comfort. With this process, teeth can be straightened with the use of a series of clear, custom, and removable aligners. The aligners are responsible for the moving of your teeth just a little bit at a time until you finally have straight teeth.

7. Dental Implants

The artificial tooth root replacement that is used as a part or portion of prosthetic dentistry which is an artificial replacement for the purpose of compensating for tooth loss. An enhanced smile and a more youthful appearance are common results.

8. Full Mouth Reconstruction

The goal for your smile makeover is to improve the esthetic appearance of your smile. During the first consultation, the Dr. Langehans may discover that it is necessity to provide treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, teeth and bone structure. With this, advanced and new technologies can help in providing you durable, functional, and clinically sound treatments that enable your smile to look natural after performing a full mouth reconstruction.

Cosmetic Dentistry Provides a Number of Benefits

Outcomes or results vary from individual to individual since every smile is different. The results would be dependent on the efforts exerted by both Dr. Langehans and you. Cooperation and sense of responsibility on performing the routines would be important for the success.

The following are examples of the several benefits that a patient can get from Cosmetic Dentistry:

  • • Cosmetic Dentistry boosts of the appearance of your smile.

  • • Cosmetic Dentistry can improve self-confidence.

  • • Careers can be enhanced.

  • • Dental damage can be prevented and better health can be attained.

Learn more about Dental Implants

Call Dr. Langehans Off Island Dental Care Office For A Beautiful Smile


Off-Island Dental Care

1 Sherington Dr # H, Bluffton, SC 29910

(843) 815-7844

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