Wear that Smile Confidently with Dental Implants in Okatie, SC

Best Dental Implants in Okatie

⦁ Leading Implant Dentistry in Okatie

⦁ Top Okatie Dental Implant Dentist

Are you one of those who are too self-conscious when smiling? Are you missing a tooth or teeth? Then Dental Implants are for you!

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support a restoration for a missing tooth or teeth. The implantation procedure is a form of prosthetic dentistry. Implants are often used to prevent jaw bone loss.

Implants are likewise used for cosmetic purposes. Dental implants provide strength, stability, and appearance.

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Are implants right for you? To know the answer, we set a consultation appointment our Off Island Dental Care clinic. Our dental professionals will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums and evaluate bone density and quantity.

With our seamless process, we we will provide you with excellent care so you can have the best experience possible with your new dental implants in Okatie.

Dental Implants For Long-Term Health

Having your teeth in place with dental implants ensures that you maintain a sound oral health. It allows you to chew food better and keeps your jaw structure in place as the muscles of your face get older.

Off-Island Dental wants to be a part of your continuing health at every level. We believe a healthy mouth, with the correct dental implants in Okatie, SC is a start to long-term health for our patients.

Preparation for dental implants involve digital X-rays and an oral scan with CAD/CAM technology. This technology is used to ensure there is sufficient bone structure for placing the implant(s) and to determine exactly where they should be placed. Also being discussed are the number of treatment sessions and how many appointments will be necessary.

Our team also provides information on how long the entire treatment process will take, how many appointments will be necessary, the cost, and what you can expect after each procedure. We want you to know that you have a caring family dentist right here in Okatie, SC.

Dental Implants in Okatie, SC

Today’s dental implant restorations are virtually indistinguishable from other teeth. This appearance aids the structural and functional connection between dental implants and the living bone.

General Steps for Dental Implants:

The titanium screw serves as a vessel, known as the implant. The gum tissue secures over the implant with stitches. The healing abutment placed is the cover of the screw. This allows the site to heal.

Aftercare For Your Dental Implant

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. To ensure the best possible healing and fusing, it also needs to be cleaned daily. Maintaining good oral hygiene will ensure proper fusing with the bone structure.

As it is expected that a little discomfort may be felt after the procedure, we at Off-Island Dental will guide you every step of the way. We will provide you with complete instructions regarding medication, food, drink and other preparations you may need. In addition, cleaning and maintenance instruction for your dental implants will be provided.

Please call our office should you have any concerns. With good home care and routine hygiene visits, your implant will look beautiful for a long, long time!

Learn more about Same Day Dental Crowns.

Call Off Island Dental Care at 843-815-7844 Today

For A Free Dental Implant Consultation!

Off-Island Dental Care

1 Sherington Dr # H, Bluffton, SC 29910

(843) 815-7844