Discolored Spotty Teeth? That’s Enamel Microabrasion. Yeah! We Can Fix That : Dental Microabrasion

Acid White spots can be caused by the consumption of some foods or drinks. For example, if you drink a lot of sports drinks, carbonated soda, lemonade, or apple cider vinegar it may cause those unwanted spots. A highly acidic diet can rapidly eat away at your teeth’s enamel through enamel microabrasion.

Oral Hygiene Proper hygiene ensures better oral health. When good hygiene isn’t present, decalcification and cavities can occur, causing enamel on the teeth to dissolve. Plaque, a colorless film of bacteria, form on teeth and can cause discoloration of teeth.

Celiac Disease According to Dr. Vickki Petersen, ‘‘up to 89%’ of people with celiac disease exhibit enamel problems.” Celiac disease can lead to undersized, yellowing, and discoloration of teeth.

Fluoride (fluorosis). Excessive fluoride consumption, especially during your teeth’s development, can cause the teeth to develop white spots.

Genetics. White spots on your teeth could be caused by genetic disorders.

Braces. During orthodontic treatment, good oral hygiene is imperative. Braces will not cause teeth to be discolored, but lack of care during treatment can cause unwanted spots, stains, and decay. Braces make it hard to reach plaque, so it is important to practice good oral care.

Aesthetics is a primary concern among patients, young and ripe, and it represents a challenge to the dentist. Discolored teeth are frequently seen in the general population. You are not alone, by any means. We can help.

Dental Microabrasion Give Me A Solution To Enamel MicroAbrasion

We may suggest microabrasion at your next appointment, but feel free to bring it up to us, too.

The Dental Microabrasion method is known as a safe, minimal treatment to correct discolored teeth. Microabrasion is usually suggested after bleaching has been proven ineffective. Basically, the process is known as “peeling.” Stains are restricted to the enamel layer and become discolored. Once the dentist applies a mild acid compound, he then gently scrubs out the stain with a textured polisher. The process is completed several times, each time lasting about 10 seconds. Lastly, if all else fails, there will be an option for veneers or crowns.

Learn more about Teeth Whitening

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1 Sherington Dr # H, Bluffton, SC 29910

(843) 815-7844

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