Quran - Level 1B
For This Week...
For The Class Of Sunday, February 2nd
What was covered today:
Went over pages 14-17
Homework for next week:
Practice pages 16 and 17
What will be covered next week:
Go over pages 16 and 17 for a quiz
For Previous Weeks...
For The Class Of Sunday, January 26th
What was covered today:
Tested on page 14-15
Homework for next week:
Please help your kid.
Please sit with them everyday and work 30 minutes
What will be covered next week:
Go over page 15-18 for next week.
For The Class Of Sunday, January 19th
No report submitted for this week, contact teacher for any questions.
For The Class Of Sunday, January 12th
The teacher was sick today, please review past material.
For The Class Of Sunday, January 5th
What was covered today:
Test them on page 10-12
Homework for next week:
Study page 12 for next week
What will be covered next week:
For The Class Of Sunday, December 15th
What was covered today:
We went over the double Tashkeel
Taught up to page 11 in the book
Homework for next week:
I will test them on the foundation of knowing just the basic letters.
I will test them to know their foundation
What will be covered next week:
Test them on the foundational letters
For The Class Of Sunday, December 8th
What was covered today:
The substitute teacher was our principal, Mohamed El-Tayash
We reviewed and did additional exercises on how to put tashkeel (vowel markings) on words by listening to the word's proper pronunciation and writing it down.
Went over the Arabic letters and how some joining from the front and back.
Homework for next week:
Review notes taken in class with parents.
What will be covered next week:
How Arabic letters are joined together to form words.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 24th
What was covered today:
Took a quiz on the form of letters (beginning, middle, end).
Tested on different Harakat of the letters.
Homework for next week:
If students did not do well, they are allowed to retake the exam.
Practice with them for 20 minutes/day.
What will be covered next week:
Retake exams and go over lessons on Harakat.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 17th
What was covered today:
We went over letters by itself, beginning, middle, ending form.
Homework for next week:
Study the different forms of letters.
We will have an exam next week.
What will be covered next week:
Go over the letter forms and also review.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 10th
What was covered today:
We went over the exam today
Homework for next week:
Study page 6-10 on textbook
Study with students!
What will be covered next week:
Go over pages 6-10
For The Class Of Sunday, November 3rd
No report submitted for this class this week.
For The Class Of Sunday, October 27th
What was covered today:
We went over Arabic letters in the textbook.
(We do not have the textbook, we used a spare from last year. Textbooks will be provided next week.)
Homework for next week:
Please, please, please sit with your child and master the Arabic alphabets! There will be consequences next week.
(YouTube video or online).
What will be covered next week:
Testing them on mastering the Arabic alphabets.