I.S. Level 9
For This Week...
For The Class Of Sunday, February 2nd
Class attended the live Sunday Tafseer of Shaykh Amin Kholwadia of Darul Qasim.
The principal, Mohamed El-Tayash, summarized points and helped students understand the main points.
The Tafseer is linked below.
Shaykh Amin Kholwadia; Tafseer Surat Taghaabun
For Previous Weeks...
For The Class Of Sunday, January 26th
Special lecture by the Principal, Mohamed El-Tayash.
Subject covered were:
The importance of dedicating oneself to Islamic knowledge, especially living in the West.
The importance of dedicating a portion of your day to nafl worship, even if it's just 10 minutes a day.
Answering practical questions from public school curriculum; examples from evolution and world history.
For The Class Of Sunday, January 19th
Special lecture by the Principal, Mohamed El-Tayash.
Subject covered were:
The importance of a young Muslim developing love and respect for knowledge.
How one realizes faith through the attainment of knowledge
The special place of knowledge within Islamic civilization
The signs of those who love and attain knowledge
For The Class Of Sunday, January 12th
Special lecture by the Principal, Mohamed El-Tayash.
Subject covered were:
The purpose of life from an Islamic point of view
Unique aspects of Islamic civilization and how we should feel pride for them and not be ashamed of them.
The 5 prayers as the foundation of a Muslim's religious life.
For The Class Of Sunday, January 5th
Principal Mohamed El-Tayash gave a guest lecture.
The topic was an overview of a lecture given by Shaykh Amin Kholwadia at his institution in Chicago (Darul Qasim). It was regarding the tafseer of the first few verses of Surat al-Munafiquun.
Some highlights:
The definitions of the word Munafiq
Signs of a Munafiq and signs of a true believer
Case studies of one of the key attributes of Nifaq; extreme insecurity and paranoia.
For The Class Of Sunday, December 15th
Contact the instructor directly for questions regarding this class.
For The Class Of Sunday, December 8th
No report submitted for this week.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 24th
No report submitted for this week.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 17th
No report submitted for this week.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 10th
No report submitted for this week.
For The Class Of Sunday, November 3rd
No report submitted for this week.