
Trying to keep up with technology like mobile phones, tablets, e-readers and computers is a never ending cycle. Just when you think you've got the hang of a gadget or service, something changes or something new comes out. Add that to the deterioration in hearing, eyesight and mobility that some of us experience with getting older and it's no wonder we can sometimes struggle a bit.

So, here are a few resources that you can call on if you need some help or suggestions to make things easier to use, like adjusting the display or volume settings of your device, setting up voice activation to make it easier to use, getting articles read out to you or sharing your location with family or friends.

The Library

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure offer free, one-to-one support sessions and have learning advisors if you need help with smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. Have a look here:

...or pop into our local library and ask about it. They don't do it in Neilston Library but I'm sure they can put you in touch with someone to help you.

An A5 flyer for the service.



Since we use WhatsApp for our group chats, here's a few things that might be useful:

You can see the full range of WhatsApp help topics here:

Facebook Messenger

If you use FaceBook Messenger, here's a few things that might be useful:

You can see the full range of FaceBook Messenger help topics here:
