
You can Increase Intelligence

For decades, it was considered impossible to increase the personal IQ. Intelligence was regarded as a genetically determined and constantly enduring talent of man. The current science contradicts that theory.

What is intelligence?

By intelligence is meant the whole of different thinking skills that refer to the spiritual capacities of a human being. These include:

the gift to perceive;

the speed to pick up and learn things;

the ability to quickly find new solutions to problems.

Intelligence can be seen as mental fitness. The more intelligent a person is, the higher the obstacles that his brain can overcome in a short time and that is something that one can read from his performance.

Intelligence Quotient or IQ

Our intelligence can be measured in an intelligence test where the degree of intelligence is expressed by means of a number, intelligence quotient or abbreviated IQ. But of course the entire spectrum of mental skills can not be adequately expressed in a figure, one just sees it.

Intelligence can be Trained

Intelligence is only determined to a certain extent hereditary. There is no such thing as a single "intelligence gene." There are probably hundreds who influence each other. The rest is determined by environmental factors.

Today scientists from brain research know that our IQ can be increased. On the basis of research and experiments, the assumption could be confirmed that the intelligence is a dynamic property. But what time does intelligence increase? One can think of the mother's diet during pregnancy, training of talents and stimulation of the IQ in our early childhood. For example, children do not just like reading books out of books, they also increase their intelligence!

Our brain is constantly Evolving

"If you do not grow, you become smaller!" That is a Jewish wisdom of life. Our brain is a perpetual "building site". Scientists and brain researchers from around the world have been researching for a long time why people are becoming smarter. This is purposely "becoming" instead of "being", because scientists have determined that the intelligence of a person is not dependent on his genes, but is also a matter of personal development.

The IQ increases every School Year

Brain cells renew themselves continuously and even in the elderly new cells are still added when they are used. Apparently our intelligence quotient increases every school year by about five points. Although pedagogues are aware that the intelligence quotient has limited value for the question of what will become of a human being, intelligent people generally earn more, are happier and even healthier .

Walking makes intelligent

In Sweden, after years of observation of 1.2 million Swedish recruits, it has been established that sport also slows mental decline and that sport at an early age increases intelligence. We now know that 10 to 15 km walking per week protects elderly people from spiritual decline.

Intelligence can be Learned

What all these studies and hundreds of more of this kind of evidence shows is that intelligence is not a matter of heredity. Intelligence is learned by using our brains! The more we use them, the more intelligent and the more able to perform . The longer we use our brains and actively use them, the longer we stay fit and successful in old age.

The effect of Brain Boosters

Unfortunately, it is one of the detrimental effects of the information age that people are now increasingly leaving on smartphones and tablet PCs. More and more people do not make their minds sufficiently alert and swallow "brain boosters" like Ritalin or even beta-blockers for suppressing exam stress, which is why we take big health risks, because all these drugs have major side-effects, so medical science is constantly looking for alternatives to to keep the human brain going without pharmaceutical doping .

You Eat Smarter

Some currents in science even believe that one can also influence his intelligence through food. The concept of "Brain food" is something that has been a topic of attention for a long time in researching our brain functions. Especially in this context, a lot of value is attributed to omega-3 fatty acids from fish, flaxseed oil and walnuts. And very hopeful at the moment also the flavonoids from vegetables, cocoa, red wine, green tea and some types of berries.

They not only improve the circulation of the brain, but also the level of growth factors that lead to a better connection of the neurons. The brain cells can therefore communicate better with each other . But the question of whether and to what extent this contributes to our cognitive performance is still open.