
Jonathan Homann (*03.05.1979, Tübingen) is a seasoned politician (SPA) and the current Vice-Chancellor of Armbruster. Known for his expertise in economic policy and his pragmatic approach to governance, Homann has played a significant role in shaping the country’s economic landscape.  


Jonathan Homann was born in the town of Tübingen Armbruster. He comes from a family with a strong tradition in education; his mother, Elke Homann, was a high school teacher, and his father, Friedrich Homann, was a university professor specializing in economics. Growing up in an intellectually stimulating environment, Homann developed an early interest in economic theory and public policy. He attended Tübingen High School, where he excelled academically, particularly in mathematics and economics.  

2.Pfofessional Career

Homann pursued higher education at the University of Tübingen, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Economics. He furthered his studies with a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the prestigious Tübingen School of Economics. During his university years, Homann interned at the Armbruster Central Bank and participated in various research projects focusing on fiscal policy and economic development.

After completing his education, Homann began his professional career as an economic advisor for the Ministry of Finance. His keen analytical skills and innovative policy recommendations quickly earned him recognition. He was instrumental in drafting several key economic reforms that helped stabilize the national economy during a period of financial uncertainty.

Homann's success in the public sector led to his appointment as the Deputy Minister of Economic Development. In this role, he focused on attracting foreign investment, promoting small and medium-sized enterprises, and enhancing the country's infrastructure. His efforts were pivotal in driving economic growth and reducing unemployment rates in Armbruster.

3.Political Career

Jonathan Homann's political career began when he was elected to the Bundestag in 2012 as a member of the SPD. His platform centered on economic revitalization, fiscal responsibility, and support for the private sector. Homann's deep understanding of economic issues and his ability to communicate complex policies effectively made him a respected figure in the assembly.

In 2018, Homann was appointed as the Minister of Finance, where he implemented several significant economic policies, including tax reforms, budgetary adjustments, and measures to boost industrial growth. His tenure was marked by a period of robust economic expansion and improved public finances.

In early 2024, following a coalition agreement between the Greens and the SPA, Homann was chosen as the Vice-Chancellor of Armbruster. His collaboration with Chancellor Alaya Peters has been viewed as a strategic alliance aimed at combining progressive social policies with conservative economic principles to create a balanced and comprehensive governance approach.

3.1Political Offices

2012-2018 Member of the Bundestag (Germany)

2018-2020 Minister of Finance (Germany)

2020-2024 Member of the Bundestag (Armbruster)

2024- Vize-Chancellor

4.Personal Life

Jonathan Homann is known for his analytical mind and pragmatic approach to problem-solving. Outside of his professional life, he is a devoted family man. He is married to Anna Homann, a legal scholar, and they have two children, Max and Lena. The family resides in Stuttgart, where they are active in community events and educational initiatives.

Homann is an avid reader and enjoys classical music and hiking. He is also passionate about education and frequently volunteers to mentor young economists and public policy students. His commitment to continuous learning and personal development is reflected in his professional achievements and his involvement in various think tanks and academic forums.

Homann's leadership style is characterized by meticulous planning, data-driven decision-making, and a collaborative spirit. His contributions to Armbruster's economic policy and his role as Vice-Chancellor continue to influence the nation's trajectory towards sustainable growth and prosperity.

Jonathan Homann


Born: 05. May 1979 (45 y.), Tübingen

Party: SPA

Previous 2012-2018 Member of the Bundestag(D)

positions: 2018-2020 Minister of Finance(D) 2020-2024 Member of the Bundestag(A)

2024-   Vize-Chancellor

Height: 185cm

Position: Vize Chancellor of Armbruster