
Herrmann Franke (*12.04.1991, Biberach) is a prominent politician and the current Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Armbruster. Known for his advocacy on social justice, labor rights, and LGBTQ+ issues, Franke has emerged as a significant figure in Armbruster's political landscape.      


Herrmann Franke was born in the city of Biberach, Armbruster, to Maria and Friedrich Franke. His mother worked as a nurse, and his father was a factory worker, which instilled in him a strong sense of empathy and an understanding of the challenges faced by working-class families. Franke attended Biberach High School, where he was actively involved in student government and social activism.        

2.Pfofessional Career

Franke pursued higher education at the University of Biberach, earning a Bachelor's degree in Sociology. He continued his studies with a Master's degree in Public Policy from the Armbruster School of Social Sciences. During his university years, Franke interned with various non-profit organizations and labor unions, focusing on workers' rights and social welfare policies.

After completing his education, Franke began his professional career as a policy analyst for a leading labor union in Armbruster. His work involved researching labor market trends, advocating for workers' rights, and developing policies aimed at improving working conditions. Franke's dedication and expertise in labor issues quickly earned him recognition within the union and the broader social policy community.

3.Political Career

Herrmann Franke's political career began with his election to the Bundestag in 2016 as a member of the SPA. His platform focused on social justice, labor rights, and equality for all citizens. Franke's advocacy for marginalized communities, particularly the LGBTQ+ community, made him a prominent voice in the assembly.

In 2020, Franke was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, where he played a key role in advancing policies aimed at reducing income inequality, improving social welfare programs, and protecting workers' rights. His efforts were instrumental in the passage of several significant labor reforms, including measures to increase the minimum wage and expand workers' protections.

In 2024, following a coalition agreement, Franke was appointed as the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. As minister, he has focused on promoting inclusive labor policies, enhancing social security systems, and addressing the challenges posed by the gig economy and automation. Franke's leadership has been marked by his commitment to ensuring that all workers have access to fair wages, safe working conditions, and robust social protections.

3.1Political Offices

2016-2020 Member of the Bundestag (Germany)

2020-2024 Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs 

2024- Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

4.Personal Life

Herrmann Franke is openly gay and an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. He has been a vocal supporter of marriage equality, anti-discrimination laws, and policies aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion. Franke's openness about his sexuality and his efforts to champion LGBTQ+ rights have made him an inspirational figure for many.

Franke is in a long-term relationship with his partner, Daniel Müller, a graphic designer. The couple resides in Neustadt, where they are active in the local LGBTQ+ community and various social justice initiatives.

Outside of his professional duties, Franke enjoys reading, particularly on topics related to social justice and labor history, and is an avid supporter of the arts. He is also involved in several non-profit organizations that work to promote social equality and workers' rights.

Franke's leadership style is characterized by his empathy, dedication to social justice, and collaborative approach to policymaking. His ability to address complex social issues and advocate for vulnerable populations has earned him respect both within the government and among the public. As the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Herrmann Franke continues to work towards a more equitable and inclusive society in Armbruster.

Herrmann Franke

Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

Born: 12. April 1991 (33 y.), Biberach

Party: SPA

Previous 2016-2020 Member of the Bundestag(D)

positions: 2020-2024 Deputy Minister of Labour   and Social Affairs(A)

  2024-     Federal Minister of Labour     and Social Affairs

Height: 175cm

Position: Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs