
Hanna Plath (*14.02.1973, Heilbronn) is a distinguished economist and politician (Greens), currently serving as the Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection of Armbruster. With a robust background in economic theory and environmental policy, Plath has been instrumental in shaping Armbruster's approach to sustainable development and climate resilience.   


Hanna Plath was born in the city of Heilbronn, Armbruster. She comes from a family of educators; her mother, Anneliese Plath, was a school principal, and her father, Karl Plath, taught environmental science at the local university. Growing up in an environment that valued education and environmental stewardship, Plath developed a keen interest in both economics and environmental issues from a young age. She attended Heilbronn High School, where she excelled in science and mathematics.   

2.Pfofessional Career

Plath pursued higher education at the University of Heilbronn, where she earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics. She continued her studies with a Master's degree in Environmental Economics from the renowned International Institute for Environmental Development. During her academic career, Plath participated in various research projects and internships, including a notable stint at the Armbruster Environmental Policy Institute.

Following her education, Plath began her professional career as an environmental economist at the Heilbronn Institute for Sustainable Development. Her work focused on the economic impacts of climate change and the development of sustainable economic policies. Plath's research contributed to several influential publications and policy recommendations, earning her recognition in both academic and governmental circles.

Plath later transitioned to a role as a senior advisor in the Ministry of Environment, where she played a key role in drafting and implementing policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy. Her expertise in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability made her a sought-after expert in policy discussions.

3.Political Career

Hanna Plath's political career began with her election to the National Assembly in 2002 as a member of the Green Party. Her campaign focused on sustainable development, environmental protection, and social justice. Plath quickly established herself as a leading voice on environmental and economic issues, advocating for comprehensive climate policies and green technologies.

In 2016, Plath was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, where she was instrumental in advancing renewable energy projects and energy efficiency programs. Her work helped to significantly increase the share of renewable energy in Armbruster's energy mix and laid the groundwork for future climate initiatives.

In 2024, Plath was appointed as the Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection in the coalition government. In this capacity, she has integrated economic and environmental policies to drive sustainable growth. Her initiatives have focused on transitioning to a green economy, promoting sustainable industrial practices, and enhancing climate resilience. Plath's leadership has been critical in positioning Armbruster as a leader in climate action and economic innovation.

3.1Political Offices

2002-2016 Member of the Bundestag (Germany)

2016-2020 Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy (Germany)

2020-2024 Member of the Bundestag (Armbruster)

2024- Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection

4.Personal Life

Hanna Plath is known for her dedication to public service and her passion for environmental issues. She is married to Dr. Stefan Müller, a marine biologist, and they have one daughter, Greta. The family lives in Heilbronn, where they are active in various community and environmental organizations.

Outside of her professional commitments, Plath enjoys hiking, birdwatching, and gardening. She is an advocate for sustainable living and often incorporates eco-friendly practices into her daily life. Plath is also an avid reader, with a particular interest in environmental literature and economic theory.

Plath's leadership style is characterized by her collaborative approach and her commitment to evidence-based policy. Her ability to bridge the gap between economic development and environmental protection has made her a respected figure in both national and international circles. As the Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection, Hanna Plath continues to drive forward policies that aim to create a sustainable and prosperous future for Armbruster.

Hanna Plath

Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection

Born: 14. March 1973 (51 y.), Heilbronn

Party: Greens

Previous 2002-2016 Member of the Bundestag(D)

positions: 2016-2020 Deputy Minister of   Environment and Energy(D) 2020-2024 Member of the Bundestag(A)

2024-   Federal Minister of   Economics and Climate   Protection

Height: 171cm

Position: Federal Minister of Economics and Climate Protection