The Arminia Journal

In a historic move, the small but resilient nation of Armbruster has officially submitted its application to become a member of the European Union (EU)

Friday, 26.04.2024

Greens and Socialist Party of Armbruster (SPA) Forge Coalition, Pave the Way for a New Era of Governance

Sunday, 17.03.2024

Greens Emerge Victorious in Armbruster National Election, Coalition Talks Imminent

Sunday, 03.03.2024

Armbruster Prepares for National Election Amidst Diverse Political Landscape

Friday, 01.03.2024

Armbruster Joins Europe Together Party, Strengthening Unity Across the Continent

Sunday, 25.02.2024

European Space Agency Resumes Operations: A New Era of Exploration Dawns

Sunday, 25.02.2024