
Alaya Peters (*17.03.1998, Friedrichshafen) is a prominent politician (Greens) and the current Chancellor of Armbruster. Known for her progressive policies and dynamic leadership, Peters became the youngest individual to hold the office at the age of 26. Her rise to prominence has been marked by significant achievements in both her professional and political careers. 


Alaya Peters was born in the bustling city of Friedrichshafen, Armbruster. She hails from a family deeply rooted in public service; her mother, Dr. Ingrid Peters, is a renowned environmental scientist, and her father, Markus Peters, is a former diplomat. Growing up in a household where political discourse was common, Peters developed an early interest in politics and public affairs. She attended the prestigious Friedrich Academy, where she excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities, particularly debate and student government. 

2.Pfofessional Career

After completing her secondary education, Peters attended the University of Ravensburg, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. During her time at the university, she was an active member of several student organizations and interned with various governmental and non-governmental organizations, including the Armbruster Environmental Protection Agency and the Friedrichshafen City Council.

Upon graduation, Peters began her professional career as a policy analyst for the Armbruster Department of Social Services. Her work focused on developing programs aimed at reducing poverty and improving public health. Her innovative approaches and dedication to social justice quickly garnered attention, leading to her appointment as the Director of Community Development at the age of 24. In this role, she successfully launched several initiatives that significantly improved housing and employment opportunities in underserved communities.

3.Political Career

Alaya Peters' political career began with her election to the Friedrichshafen City Council at the age of 22, where she was the youngest council member ever elected. During her tenure, she championed progressive policies, including affordable housing, renewable energy projects, and educational reforms. Her success at the local level paved the way for her entry into national politics.

In 2023, Peters ran for a seat in the Bundestag as a candidate of the Greens. Her campaign focused on economic reform, climate change, and social justice. She won the election by a significant margin, becoming a rising star in the political arena. As a member of the Bundestag, Peters continued to advocate for her core issues and played a crucial role in passing landmark legislation on climate action and social welfare.

In early 2024, following the national election, Peters was elected as the new Chancellor of Armbruster by the Bundestag. Her election was historic, not only because of her age but also due to her vision for a more inclusive and sustainable future for Armbruster. As Chancellor, Peters has prioritized policies aimed at transitioning to a green economy, expanding healthcare access, and fostering international cooperation on global challenges.

3.1Political Offices

2020-2023 Friedrichhafen City Council

2023-2024 Member of the Bundestag

2024- Chancellor

4.Personal Life

Alaya Peters is known for her down-to-earth personality and commitment to public service. Outside of her political duties, she is an avid reader, enjoys hiking, and is a strong advocate for mental health awareness. Peters often credits her family's support and her early exposure to public service for her achievements. Despite her demanding career, she remains close to her family and frequently participates in community events in her hometown of Friedrichshafen.

Peters is also a proponent of work-life balance and encourages her team to maintain healthy lifestyles. She lives in a modest residence in the capital city Stuttgart and often spends her weekends engaging with local communities or exploring the natural beauty of Armbruster’s countryside.

Her leadership style is characterized by transparency, inclusiveness, and a forward-thinking approach, qualities that continue to inspire a new generation of leaders in Armbruster and beyond.

Alaya Peters


Born: 17. March 1998 (26 y.), Friedrichhafen

Party: Greens

Previous 2020-2023 Friedrichhafen City Council

positions: 2023-2024 Member of the Bundestag 2024-   Chancellor

Height: 178cm

Position: Chancellor of Armbruster