
Friedhold Hofmann (*18.11.1978, Crailsheim) is a prominent lawyer and politician, currently serving as the Minister of Justice of Armbruster. Known for his commitment to legal reform and human rights, Hofmann has had a distinguished career in both the legal field and public service.     


Friedhold Hofmann was born in the city of Crailsheim, Armbruster, to Elisabeth and Johannes Hofmann. His father was a judge, and his mother was a legal scholar, which provided Hofmann with an early exposure to the legal profession. He attended Crailsheim High School, where he excelled in history and civics, fostering a deep interest in justice and governance.       

2.Pfofessional Career

Hofmann pursued higher education at the University of Crailsheim, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Law. He continued his studies with a Master’s degree in International Law from the prestigious Armbruster Institute of Legal Studies. During his time at university, Hofmann interned at several notable law firms and human rights organizations, which solidified his passion for justice and equity.

After completing his education, Hofmann began his professional career as a public prosecutor in Crailsheim. His dedication and skill in handling complex cases quickly earned him a reputation for fairness and diligence. He subsequently joined a prominent law firm in Stuttgart, specializing in constitutional law and human rights litigation. Hofmann's work in high-profile cases, particularly those involving civil liberties, established him as a leading figure in the legal community.

Hofmann later returned to public service as a senior legal advisor to the Ministry of Justice, where he contributed to significant legal reforms, including efforts to modernize the judicial system and improve access to justice for marginalized communities.

3.Political Career

Friedhold Hofmann's political career began with his election to the Bundestag in 2014 as a member of the Greens. His platform focused on judicial reform, human rights, and social justice. Hofmann's legal expertise and commitment to reform made him a respected voice in legislative debates.

In 2020, Hofmann was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Justice, where he played a crucial role in advancing policies aimed at reducing incarceration rates, enhancing legal aid services, and promoting judicial transparency. His efforts were instrumental in passing landmark legislation on criminal justice reform and anti-corruption measures.

In 2024, following a government reshuffle, Hofmann was appointed as the Minister of Justice. In this capacity, he has focused on furthering judicial reforms, strengthening the rule of law, and protecting civil liberties. Hofmann has been a vocal advocate for the independence of the judiciary and has worked to enhance international cooperation on legal matters.

3.1Political Offices

2014-2020 Member of the Bundestag (Germany)

2020-2024 Deputy Minister of Justice (Germany)

2024- Federal Minister of Justice

4.Personal Life

Friedhold Hofmann is known for his integrity, legal acumen, and dedication to public service. He is married to Dr. Claudia Hofmann, a professor of sociology, and they have two children, Lukas and Sophie. The family resides in Crailsheim, where they are active in community and cultural activities.

Outside of his professional responsibilities, Hofmann enjoys reading, particularly legal and historical literature, and is an avid supporter of the arts. He is also involved in various non-profit organizations that promote legal education and human rights.

Hofmann's leadership style is characterized by his commitment to justice, collaborative approach, and strategic thinking. His ability to navigate complex legal and political landscapes has earned him respect both domestically and internationally. As the Minister of Justice, Friedhold Hofmann continues to champion legal reforms and uphold the principles of justice and equality in Armbruster.

Friedhold Hofmann

Federal Minister of Justice

Born: 18. November 1978 (45 y.), Crailsheim

Party: Greens

Previous 2014-2020 Member of the Bundestag(D)

positions: 2020-2024 Deputy Minister of Justice(D)

  2024-       Federal Minister of Justice 

Height: 188cm

Position: Federal Minister of Justice