May 2024

Wed  1

prepared and planted clover sees in the back

Prepared planting spots for new roots

cleared old spots for Dalhiis in front

Thu 2

Fresh soil for roses

Planted bulbs and roots from Holland farms

In ground and in bags in pots

Watered clover seeds

Fri 3

Tied up the tree peonies

watered the seeds

Very warm today

Mon 6

prepared veggie bed behind garage

Tue 7

Prepared veggie bed on the side

Wed 8

Prepared bed behind kitchen

Thu 9

Prepared the holes for planting in the front

clover seeds sprouting

one week - no activity from roots and bulb planting from Holland farms

Fri  10

Fertilized the perrenials

potted Lavender plants (Holland farms)

dropped seeds for cukes, and herbs basil and cummin

received and set up bio luminent petuniaa

Sat 11

Filled the holes at the back and the sides to make it ready for palnting

It is tempting to plant seeds but the the temp is below average.

Sun 12

Filled all holes.  

Ready for planting

May plant seeds next week

may plant veggie plants end of next week (early for me)

Mon 13

Filled the pots for the deck

Looks like the min temp is > 50 for the next 10 days

fertilized clover seeds

Tue 14

Planted annual flower seeds for the deck

Planted Zinnia seeds for the back

Wed 15

Planted Annual Seeds Front

All seeds done 

Thu 16

Cleaned up the beds by discarding forget me nots to make place for beans and peas

The tree peonies are in full bloom

Removed the tomato cages around tham as deers do not eat flowers (I think!!)

Fri 17

Moved glowing petunia outside as they were dying

This is a scam.

Will repot them for outside soon as I ordered planters

Lots of rain today.

Sat  18

Potted glowing Petunias.  They do not look like they will survive.

Seeded beans - pole

Bought Dahlias in the neighborhood and potted them  - great looking flowers - expensive - my treat for so much work

The cukes are sprouting and maybe zinnias at back.

Sun 19

Finished planting bean and peas (seeds)

Watered seedlings

The zinnia seeds in the back are sprouting already

It will be in the 80s the next couple of days

planted california poppy seeds in front

Mom 20

Bought and finished planting vegetables (The Garden factory)

Wed 22

Trimmed growth at the back bed to open light filtering

Holland Bulb's:

2 out of 3 dahlias are not showing action

The three bare root plants are not showing any signs

one of the Cannas are not showing any activity

Fri 24

Beans sprouting behind garage.

Zinnia sprouts being eaten.  Replanted and planted replacement in pots

Mon 27

Lost an eggplant whose had was chopped off.  Probably voles. Laid the trap.

Tue 28

Caught one mouse/vole responsible for beheading n eggplant

Should have watered front.  It has turned cool.

Something dug up the cucumber seedling

Wed 29

Caught another vole

Caught a chipmunk

Watered the seedlings and new plants - both front and back

Back beans and beans have germinated

Rest of seeds are slow to germinate

Fri 31

Fertilized new plants and seedlings.

Caught a squirrel and released him in the yard.  felt sorry as he was too big for the trap

Heard back fromHolland Bulbs about non performing plants.  have to wait 8 weeks for the plant to (maybe ) alive.

Japanese Kerria (front and back)                                                                                           Lilac  (May 10, 24) - on tme for Roachester Lilac Festival

Ready for planting  - May 10                                                                           Tree peonies - May 14

May 17.  Two Tree peonies. Almost 8 in across.   20 of one kind and 12 of another          Cow bells (blue)                              Visitor (May 18)

 Vegetables are in  (May 20)                                                                                                            Bearded Iris (May 25)

            May 28                                                                            May 29                                                                                  May 29

Suspects vandalizing my veggie plants behind garage -