April 2024

Friday 5

Stopped Tru Green Lawn Service

Will try to plant clover arund the bare ground near the trees

Sat 13

Ordered bulb abd roots from Holland Bulbs

Sun 21

Ordered Dutch clover seeds from Outside Pride

Mon 22

Picked up Graden soilo from Lowes

Tue 23

Picked up Miracle Gro soil from Home Depot

Ordered Wheel Barrow from Amazon and a new foot pump

Mon 29

Assembled wheel barrow.  It has two wheels and what a pleasant change in use

Had outside motion lights replaced

Weeping Cheery                                        Cherry Back (First Time)                   Forget Me Not ((Behind Garage) - beans space

Forget Me not Back                              Magnolia (very Early)             Forsythia (very early)

A strange Spring - hot - cool -hot -cool - cool

The flowers every where in the community are gorgeous this year

The Magnolia was early and shed soon.  So did Red Maple

The Forsythia was early but then stayed because the weather was cool again

The Cherry in the back was filled with flowers for the first time.