August 2022

                      Aug 1                                                                                                     Aug 4 Aug 5

    Aug 7                                                                                               Aug 9 Aug 13

      Aug 15 Aug 18        Aug 20

Aug 24 Aug 27 Aug 31

Below - The Zinnias on Aug 19 - 2022

Zinnia (back) Marigold (front) Zinnia (front)

Cut Flowers : Dahlia Zinnias

Here is a strange tale.  Last year I started vegetables indoors in April for transplanting outside in late May.  This year I bought veggie plants.  However:

In third week of May I decided to plant the seeds (leftover from last year) outside.  It was in a region which received little sun except in morning or evening when it would briefly peep through trees.    There were tall spruce trees at the back that cut off any sun during most of the day.  The plants included tomatoes and eggplant that are expected to produce only under full sun for several hours a day.  These pictures are taken on Aug 19.  The tomatoes have grown tall with leaves and fruits.  The eggplant is putting out flowers.   The Italian beans did very well and the Broccoli is looking healthy.  The only exception are the squash (green and yellow).

Surprisingly I transplanted the tomatoes to a region with lots of sun three weeks ago.  They are growing at half the rate of the one in the shade.  Go Figure!!

     Italian Beans (third harvest)                                      Broccoli Single Tomato Plant

        Rest of Tomatoes                Eggplant The  shaded bed at 11 AM

 Similar tomato plants under full sun  

transplanted 3 weeks ago