June 2024

Sat 1

Looks like one more Dahlia from Holland bulbs is alive

None of the roots are showing any life

All seeds are slow to germinate though the weather is good

Mon 3

Used soap to wash the deck

Tied up the veggies

resowed beans at the back due to low seedlings

Beans seedling behind garage is being eaten

Wed 5

Liquid fetrilized prenniels in front

Looks like the California poppys and Lupines are sprouting

Fri  7

Short dowpours last couple of days

Temp is below normal (cool)

A couple of eggplant and hot pepper showing signs of wither

seed sprouting is very slow

Old Dahlias appear to send out shoots.  They did not die (zone 6)

Fifteen degrres below normal next couple of days

Mon 10

:ost many of Zinnia seedlings

Lost all marigold front

Los marigold seedlings on deck

The warm winters seems to promote previous years Dahlia

Several rose bushes been eaten. Probably baby bunnies

Deer eating evening primrose and clematis buds

Remaining eggplants behind garage beheaded.

Tue 11

Tomato cages for the side

Probably bunnies also eating eveing primrose buds

Lost the re[lanted beans behing garage

Most Zinnia sprouts have dissappered after second seeding

Wed 12 -  Sun16

Just watering as busy with Vinayaks Wedding

Mon 17

Heat advisory for 17 - 21 = over 90 degrees

No rain  for last 6 days

Watered all

Losing probably two sicilian eggplants

Hot pepperes appear stunted. Not growing

Tue 18

staked cukes

Staked tomato and installed cages (behing garage)

Slujs eating peanut butter bait without tripping trap

the heat has caused the day Lily to send out blooms 

Wed  19

waterered young plants

Sat 22

Deer ate the all daylilly buds in front

Transpalnted cukes

Transplanted Zinnia at back

Transplanted marigold to front

Watered/fertilized transplants

mutilated eggplants are sprouting leaves.

plants are not growingsteadiliy

Probbaly will not buy miracle gro soil anymore

sprayed pepper/soap water on the leaves to discourage deer

Sun 23

Two more terrorists released to Buckland park

Bunny in the patch behind garage.  laid out bird netting hoping to discourage it eating bean leaves

Shasta Daisy full bloom

Tue 25

Trimmed the kerria, the weeoing cheery,  some magnolia, and the growth at the back

Caught my secondsquirrel and a mouse

The cone flowers are startng to bloom

Plants are growing very slowly inspite of new soil

Sun 30

Lots of rain the previous days

Plants growing slowly, especially eggplants and peppers

Vole has decimated the italian beans at the back

Mint spreadinging wildly behind garage

Bean leaves are still being eaten. Not allowee to grow

 Harvested  peonies (June 5)      Suspect 6 and 7 garden terrorists         Problably catching wrong suspects

                                                                                                                                                           second sow of bean seedlings gone (June 7)

Suspect 8                                                  Mint anyone                                                  Suspct 9                                                                     Suspect 10

           Lot of buds on Hydrangea -Expect to lose them to deer               Evening primrose

Jun 23, Shasta Daisy                             Suspects  stopped counting (Jun 25)         Clemantis (Jun 300