Apr 2020

This journal was started on April 10.

This year will be very unusual.  Currently we are in self - isolation because of the covid-19 pandemic.

My state is hit very badly particularly in the New York City Area.

My area in upstate NY is doing reasonably better.  Our cases have still to flatten.

Gardening prospects and supplies are unknown at this point.

Lawn maintenance appears to be essential service and I had the first lawn care application and mowing this week.

I usually plat veggie seedlings and grow annuals from seed.  

It is not clear if greenhouses are growing seedlings in these times of uncertainty.

I am not sure if the veggies will be available and the logistics for picking them up if we are still isolating.

I am not sure if it is OK to pick up packed soil to build up the beds.

This week is critical for leveling of the disease.

The pandemic has brought the world to a standstill.  It has caused immense sorrow globally but the economic impact is breath taking.  No one is sure of any strategy as supply chains have been disrupted. Incredible number of jobs have been lost. Will we return to carry on or will we have a new restart with unknown outcomes. Food, Dairy products are dumped because we cannot figure out the logistics of meeting a fraction of the demand because institutions that drove the larger market are shuttered.

I do wish we will all come out of this safe and well.

My planting strategy  this year it has been mostly undecided.  I did not want to leave the beds fallow as I am retired and I could use the exercise.

Initially I was confident that things would be normal  by end of May and believed I should pick up my seedlings.


Will seedlings be available on memorial day?   We are under shelter in place till May 15.    Even after there will be restrictions on social distancing.  I am not sure how the garden stores will handle this?

Moreover it is a difficult decision for the greenhouses.  Do they go ahead and invest and generate seedlings which may not be picked up due to restrictions still in effect?

Will they grow only some which means that my chances of getting seedlings may be dim.

I belatedly ordered seeds and growing medium but not sure when they will be delivered.

I did not follow up on ordering tomatoes ina timely manner as they seed company was not fulfilling orders at the time I thought of it.

I started seeds inside in the basement over 10 years ago to grow plants that I liked.  It was a lot of effort and finally the plants did not do great outside.  I probably rushed the transition.

This time We have a spare bedroom with a south facing window.  I started late and thought I will catch up slightly by  using LED grow lights.  

I have fashioned growing environment by re purposing recyclable material.  If the experiment is successful I will get ready with some more useful and convenient set up.