Aug 2021

Image 1:I4attract humming bird daily because of the crocosima.  Here is the green humming bird

Image 2: Caught a mouse and a vole using catch and release traps.  You can see the devastation to the eggplant, and pepper the voles have wrought.  Compare it to July 15th picture.  In two weeks they destroyed 20 mature vegetable plants.  I did not know who was responsible.  I tried everything that google told me.  Pellet repellent, chili, soap vinegar solution.  Even electronic repellent shown in the image.  It was an expensive and useless investment.  You can see it does not work as I am catching mouse and vole within 3 feet of it.  It is called 'MagicHat' and is supposed to repel moles and voles.    It took me two weeks to figure that I need to catch them and let them see the world and make new friends by relocating the unfortunate ones to the nearby park.

Image 3:  Baby wood pigeons born in the magnolia above the deck.    I had baby robins in spring.

Image 4: Difficult to see. It is a black siting hummingbird over the orange crocosima.  Firs time I saw a sitting hummingbird.

Image 5:  Cukes and Beef Tomatoes. - Aug 6.

Garage Side, Vandalized veggie bed recovering; F Beans, Roses and Zinnia;

Way back - some yield only from tomatoes and eggplant - rest vandalized;  side bed Tomatoes done but second crop I bean, Front Right

Front Left circle : Zinnias not growing fast: front of garage

Images 08/16/21 : Sate of Garden and Harvest on that day