June 23

6/6/23 - Tuesday

Fertilized the back and watered full.  Planted Nasturtium seeds for deck.

Smoky air to work outside . cool

6/7/23 - Wednesday

Fertilized the front and watered complete.

The Zinnia seeds have arrived.  Will probably plant tomorrow.

The vole (most likely) ate one eggplant plant behind garage.  Have set traps

6/8/23 - Thursday

Seeded new zinnia in the circle.   Watered the new plants/seeds in the back. 6/1 dahlias have spouted.

Very cool and smoky..  The trap di not sping and no furher vole damage so far.

6/9/2023 - Friday

Seeded marigold for the deck.

Watered the front - new/seeded plants

6/10/2023 - Saturday

Planted beans and peas way back.  Trying again with mum seeds for deck.  Finished all seed plantings.

Watered back completely.  So far 8/11 Dahlias seem to sprout. They took over 21 days after planting.  Only2/5 of the Canna roots are showing growth.

6/11/23 - Sunday

Watered front completely.  Some Dahlias stored seem to survive.  Planted them in front and deck replacing missing cannas.   Will not try to save Dahlia bulbs in fall.

Staked the tomatoes and peppers.  Finished planting finally

6/13/23 - Tuesday

Lots of rain on Monday - almost 1 in and steady.  No waterng till Friday if it does not rain till then

Plants OK.  Seedlings are disappearing probably slugs.  Spread slug pestiside near expectd seedlings.

6/15/23 - Thursday

Wednesday was a washout with steady light rain.  Thursday had bits of sun and cool for the season.  Caught a vole in the trap which had decimated the pole bean seedlings.   Seeded pole and Italian beans.  The pots for the Canna are small

6/17/23 - Saturday

Fridays  steady light rain finally stopped.  

Caterpillar infestation on the copper leaved perriniel.  Sprayed - did not stop them.  Knocked them off the plant.  Will see if it works.

Planted flower seeds in pots whose seedings are being eten in the beds.

6/18/23 - Sunday

Applied some starter fertilizer to the seeded plants hoping to accelerate their growth.  New seedlings are probably being destoyed by slugs.  ut pellets out.  Set up the ornamental solar lights.  Watered the seedlings.

6/20/23 - Tuesday

Watered back (AM) and watered front (PM).  A lot of work.  

Trying to train the larger plants to expect water every 4 days if there is no rain. Have not found somebody to water during the long travel days.

Seedlings are really taking a long time to develop.

6/24/23 - Saturday

Watered front and back full.   No rain even through predicted last two days.

Beans and peas have low germination rate - 10 %

Mums are almost zero.

Not sure what ese other than slugs are eating seedlings.

Wood primrose is in bloom and shasta daisyis starting too.

Photos - June 6, 23 - State of Garden