Nov 2021

Have not been updating the site as most garden activities are over (or should have been over).

The weeping cherry and the magnolia are usually among the first to shed their leaves.  It is Nov. 12 and they still have not.  The maple has shed and the oak is mostly done.  The leaves on the weeping cheery changed from mostly green to yellow in two days.  The color in general was not on time or  good.  We have the rainiest October and also the warmest.  

The colors on most of the trees is happening now only.

I have harvested the Dahlia tubers.  I did cut many of them.  I have to trim the roots and will probably dry it indoors.

Generally the vegetable beds are cleaned out and so are the annuals. The perennials will be cleaned in May.  Except for collecting, raking and disposing the leaves the garden is done.

Well, this is good bye till 2022 Spring

Finally the leaves fell (Week of Nov 20).  The deer has taken care of 80 % of the crab apples.

These are from December  (I am too lazy to create a new page).  The images shows the basic form of the trees in the yard.  There  is not a single crab apple left.  In order crab apple; weeping cherry, pin oak, magnolia, red maple