Models, Structures and Representation

Università di Urbino, June, 20-21, 2022

Aula del Parnaso

via Veterani 36, Urbino

June, 20, 2022

Chair: Mario ALAI (Urbino)

9.00 Vincenzo FANO (Chair, Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences) and Francesco ORILIA (P.I., P.R.I.N. “The Manifest Image and The Scientific Image”), Greetings

9.15 Vincenzo FANO, Adriano ANGELUCCI, Gabriele FERRETTI, Roberto MACRELLI, Gino TAROZZI (Urbino), Evolutionary Dynamics and Accurate Perception. Critical Realism as an Empirically Testable Hypothesis

10.30 Emilia MARGONI (Firenze), Can Bohmian ontology be a minimalist ontology?

11.45 Break

12.15 Timothy D. LYONS (Indiana), Constraints on ‘Structure' in explaining the Manifest Image by the Scientific

Chair: Elena CASTELLANI (Firenze)

15.00 Valentina SAVOJARDO (Macerata), Representation of reality through the intelligent and human use of tools

16.15 Giovanni GALLI (Urbino), Deep Learning Models, Scientific Understanding and Realism

17.30 Break

18.00 Emanuele ROSSANESE (Roma 3), Reconsidering an ontology of properties for quantum theories

June, 21, 2022

Chair: Francesco ORILIA (Macerata)

9.00 Mauricio SUAREZ (Madrid), The Inferential Conception of Representation and Scientific Realism

10.15 Gustavo CEVOLANI (IMT Lucca), Truth vs. truthlikeness: an experimental investigation

11.30 Break

12.00 Lisa ZORZATO (Tartu-Athens), Fictional Models, Explanation and Realism

13,15 Andrea VICERÉ (Chair, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino), Final Greetings


15.30 Lectio Commandiniana by Timothy D. LYONS (Indiana), Title to be announced
