The Manifest Image and the Scientific Image

 A PRIN-2017 Research Project (prot. n. 2017ZNWW7F)

Mission of the project

We address the clash between the scientific image offered by science and the manifest image emerging from common sense. 

This dichotomy is typically put forward at a metaphysical level. We extend it to logic by distinguishing between the formal logic of the scientific image and the informal logic of the manifest image. 

Accordingly, we explore in parallel metaphysical and logical manifest/scientific dichotomies in order to reach a deeper understanding of the images and thus a perspective wherefrom the clash may be superseded. 

We focus on three crucial themes from the perspective of both images, namely properties, relations and related issues; time; the paradoxes generated by adjoining (parts of) classical logic to naive principles of truth and predication. 

We then turn to strategies for viewing the two images as compatible. 

This project may foster a more rational attitude toward science and its technological applications, favor a more effective teaching of science, logic and critical thinking, and suggest new solutions in applied ontology.

A full description of the project

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