Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

A unique aspect of pharmacy distinct from hospital and community. 

The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) student chapter at the University of Minnesota offers countless opportunities for students that are interested in learning more about managed care. Managed care pharmacy, in a nutshell, is the practice that designs and implements drug benefits for health insurances plans that impact over 200 million Americans. The focus of managed care is ensuring that patients have access to the most clinically sound, safest, and most cost-effective medications.

In spring, AMCP hosts the local P&T competition, a major managed care-related competition for student pharmacists. A group of first-year students from our school made it to top 8 nationally, and competed against other “Elite 8” groups at the 2017 AMCP Annual Conference.

We also host a regular bi-weekly meeting featuring different thought leaders from different fields like managed care, industry, consulting, and so on. We also provide 2 – 3 company tours at major managed care companies around Minneapolis like Express Script, Prime Therapeutics, UnitedHealth Group, HealthPartners, and more. Please see our chapter website for more information. 

Click here to visit the AMCP U of M chapter website! 

Twin Cities Contacts

Vanessa Orcutt