

Asset Management

In this section we are listing all the commands that are here to help you manage your assets

Move Assets To Folder

Moves the selected asset to the specified folder

Quick Name: MA

Usage: This command is very useful when you want to move a group of assets to a totally different folder: When your project grows in size, drag and drop can sometimes become sluggish, and generally speaking the project window is not very convenient to use when moving things around. This command can save a lot a frustration!

Example: You want to reorganize your assets, and move some prefabs to a folder deep in the hierarchy: doing it in native Unity could take some time, not mentioning the chances of simply messing it up due to editor lag: if you let MonKey do it, it will feel much better, and be faster!

New Folder

Creates a new folder in the first selected folder, or the focused one in the project window

Quick Name: NF

Usage: The only way you can create a folder in Unity is by right clicking and selecting new folder. The problem is, when you have a lot of plugins, the right click menu can get pretty annoying to use, and sometimes even takes time to show up: this command is much faster to use.

Example: I guess creating a folder doesn't really need an example :) just note that the folder will be created in the active folder, or under the selected folder if one is selected.

New Scriptable Object

Creates a new ScriptableObject of the type specified in the first folder selected

Quick Name: NSO

Hot Keys: CTRL+ALT+T

Usage: One of the most useful command: creating a custom scriptable object normally requires you to add a right click menu to create a new one, which is both annoying to do and requires yo to write some more code. With this command, any scriptable object you may create or that are available from Unity or your plugins can directly be created in the current folder.

Example: You create a ScriptableObject class that represent health points: you want to create 5 different types of health: by calling this command you can directly instantiate one, and then use the command "Duplicate"

Select Folders of Objects

Selects the containing folders of the selected assets

Quick Name: SF

Usage: This command is useful when you want to move few folders under another one, especially when they are far away from each other.

Example: You looked for all the asset with "Blood" in their name, and want to move all their folders in a folder called "VFX", you can then select their folder this way, and use the "Move Asset " command