27th November 2018

1.40: Dylan awake, told by hubby to hurry back to bed, Dylan was upset as he wanted to cuddle to sleep. I took him in to the spare room and gave him cuddles. Got him back to sleep and went back to bed where hubs already asleep.

3.30: I'm still awake, I can hear "mummy, mummy?" I go back to the spare room, and jump into bed with Dylan.

4.00: I'm still awake but I do finally drift off to sleep at some point after.

7.30: my alarm goes off, I'm very tired, but get Dylan up too. I get up to a text saying PTA stuff was cancelled this morning again and will be going ahead tomorrow. I reschedule on my Google calendar.

I get us both dressed, I get Dylan's Christmas dinner slip ready, I get laundry on and start to sort the pile in the bedroom. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning!

Dylan watches his current favourite TV show : Miraculous.

Say: "Hey Google, add fabric conditioner to my shopping list". I'd be lost without it now.

8.25: We are ready, just need to get shoes and coats on but 2 mins before Dylan decided he wanted breakfast. He grabs a biscuit and we head out the door. He also tells me he has forest school today and needs his wellies. We don't have a pair in his size so he has to take his old ones.

Dylan insists on taking toad but I tell him I have to take him home. Getting there is fine, we take the scooter, but once there he has a meltdown as he doesn't want toad to leave. His teacher ends up having to take him in as he doesn't want to go.

9.00: I am home and cold. My ears hurt as I didn't wear my earmuffs. I eat some breakfast (chocolate chip bake and mug of milk) and watch Cathy and Kristina do some Christmas crafts. Tumble drier Is fixed, yippee, so I'm doing some tumble drying too.

Watching Kristina's holiday card series on YouTube

9.45: I do a quick something for the PTA but the laundry still isn't finished. I'm debating about going into town after all once I had seen the weather forecast and see the rain chucking it down outside. Really need to get new glasses though so figure I better had go as soon as the laundry is finished in the machine and then I can get another lot on. I shift Dylan's toy box ready for getting the tree out this week too.

10.00: I go into town. The rain starts picking up. I head into Primark and pick up some cosy socks for Dylan so he has his own, some flannel PJs for myself and a Santa hat headband for the party on Friday. Feel gutted as they had mario PJs that would have been fantastic to give to Dylan on Xmas eve but they only started from age 10 :(

I head into a couple of opticians and finally find some glasses so I buy them. This task has been on my to do list for a long time, so I'm pleased to finally get some new glasses. I check out another shop, then I go to Wilkos (love that shop!) Get some bath bomb supplies so Dylan can use his present from last year, some washing machine cleaner and some laundry conditioner... just basic stuff.

Our city have their Christmas lights up :)

12.59: I get home, umbrella broken, cold and wet. And hungry.

13.08: I sort out laundry, do a couple of bits in the attic and get the start of the decorations down.

13.19: start sorting out the recycling and the bins to go out.

13.33: sit down and have a quick bite to eat. Chicken and stuffing sandwiches, quavers and an Apollo bar (basically a mars bar)

14.45: I have a Christmas movie playing in the background on channel 5 and I do misc stuff around the house (pick up plates and cups from rooms, make the beds, replace the dehumidifier in the lounge, put the covers back on the sofa, put some of Dylan's toys away etc etc) until the alarm goes off to go get Dylan.

15.22: It is chucking it down and windy still - I took the scooter so Dylan could stand on and I could walk him home as quick as possible. We get home and are soaked through. We get our wet clothes off, jammies and cosy socks on and I try and get the fire going. (It takes me over an hour and I'm frustrated with it. I tell myself I am not going to bother doing it again!)

15.49: We make bath bombs with the supplies I bought today, I continue the tumble drying, I get the last lot of laundry on the airer. Dylan watches number blocks and a story time channel about the Christmas carol on YouTube kids. I get the tea on and the dish washer.

Curious George is on in the background. I ended up giving up on the fire. Too many problems.

Comfy Cosy

We ate our sausages, chips and beans. Gareth got home and I cooked him sausages and chips.

19.06: I took Dylan into the bath and caught up with Instagram stories. Absolutely loved Amy Tangerine's live she did, I was lucky to catch it before the 24 hours had ran out.

19.31: I took Dylan to bed and read him the second chapter of his library book.

19.52: I came downstairs and Gareth went up to bed. I watched this is us and then went and joined him. So tired!