31st December 2003

Even if it's my half-hour late day I'm still tired, go away!

I watch GMTV til about half past when I start getting ready. Wednesdays I don't have to start work until 08:30, score!

"Where's your teddy?" "What happened to Homer and the furry dice... and the nodding dog?" I hear you ask! Well as of Saturday this won't be my car any longer, I'm getting a new one! It's an early 21st birthday present! I've taken everything out because early in the morning the new owner is looking over it.

I'm at work, and I've bought in some nibbles because we're having a mini party. There won't be much work to do today anyway so it'll be a good chance to get my filing done and have a clean out of our e-mail box. I gave Sophie a lift to pick up her car yesterday so she got me a Galaxy Muffin... I'm gonna eat that now! lol

Breakfast time! Here's the spread of food that everyone's contributed to :) No one likes sitting at this desk cos it's right next to the door, and no one's really in today so that's our buffet table!

It's time for lunch. I grabbed some of our buffet before I came out and I'm listening to the iPod bought me for xmas. Asha's sat next to me.

This is Ros and Sedem, and Asha's sat to my left out of the camera view. Sedem's sat in my place and Sophie's gone to lunch so I'm sat at her desk. We're having a bit of a chinwag about a few work related things.

Sophie's back and John's came over to eat some of our sweets too... Have we really eaten that much today!?

Work's finished and my mate's working 3-11pm. We finally figure out what's happening tonight. They said I can stay over on one condition, I have to go to Asda and get some red wine, Strongbow and 2 pizzas. Better get moving then. I think they close at 6 but the traffic could be bad!

That was awful! They close at 5, Stewart called to find out where I was and got angry because I was running an errand for my mate when he's been at home all day and my dad wants to change the batteries on our cars because I had a new one put on mine but we're selling it. I would have taken a pic inside Asda but I could barely move and I have to hurry up and get home now so Stewart can go to Claire's.

Deep calming breaths. Had to call my mate up and he has to pick me up after all because dad's taking the car early in the morning. They said I had to drive over to theirs, but I call him and explain and he agrees to swing by after he's finished work to pick me up, so I'm going to sit and watch my new DVD "2 Weeks Notice".

Mmmm a nice hot bath, just what I need. My parents are all ready to go out now so I'm going in the bath.

I got out an hour later (all wrinkly like a prune lol) after my mate called to tell me he had got off work early and he'd call me later when he was ready to pick me up.

There's an "Only Fools And Horses" special on TV. I love that show. While I'm watching, Mate calls to tell me he'll be on his way. My hair is still soaking wet and I've not packed my overnight bag. Better get cracking!

I called Stewart to ask to borrow his duvet (blue stripes) as I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight and he says it's fine. So here's my junk in my mate's room. He picked me up after Only Fools and Horses finished at 9.

We sit and watch lots of TV. We're watching K-Pax at the moment.

At 23:50 we start flicking through the channels (BBC1 and ITV) We watched some of the Hogmanay celebrations, but the outdoor stuff was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, but they still had Liberty X to perform lol.

We head off upstairs after 10 minutes and get ready for bed, watching "100 best TV moments of 2003" His parents come home at 1:15 ish with some friends and they invite us downstairs for a drink but we decide not to. We both finally drifted off to sleep at 3am :)