10th July 2014

1.14: Early morning bottle & nappy change & back to sleep in the cot

5.56: Dylan chats away and moves around his cot from about 5.30, I finally give in to get a bottle when Gareth hears us up and he comes in to change the nappy & say hello.

6.42: Someone won’t go back to sleep so it’s up and in baby jail for a moment. Today is going to be all over the place.

6.54: I eat breakfast and watch teen mom 2 while Dylan plays. I have medicine to take straight after food.

8.13: Time for Dylan’s porridge He has iron and vitamins to take through an oral syringe every morning.

8.25: I text my friend as we go to baby group together but she is away so am walking down solo today.

8.46: Dylan goes down for a nap as he is tired and rubbing is eyes. Not surprising seeing as he was up so early, so I put the finishing touches to my cv and do the washing up.

9.15: But he’s back up. Still, that’s half an hour

9.59: We are both dressed. We play some before we have to get ready to leave. I get the bottle that was left over from this morning out of the fridge to take with us. Bags under my eyes and greasy hair are the norm these days!

10.14: On our way to baby group! What a lovely sunshiney day!

10.29: We are the only ones to begin with & Dylan is well away having so much space to move freely but 5 other mummies all come.

11.01: Today’s activity is card, tissue paper and shredded paper. He loves it, and is soon joined by his little friends. Have been trying to get him to take his bottle but he’s not interested but has water.

11.58: After group, it’s monthly weigh in in the same building as I missed last week because of hospital. 18lb 6oz at 9 months old (tomorrow)

12.17: Sleepy boy on the way home, hooray! Once we get back, I leave him in the shade and get everything out to cut the grass when he wakes up, but he is patient enough for me to cut it at least but that’s all I can get done.

12.55: Looking much better. Still waiting for downstairs to cut hers though :/

13.01: Lunch time! (He normally eats about 12) Peaches a banana! That’s mister’s “put the spoon in my mouth already mum!” face

13.10: Doc McStuffins while mummy has a shower. All hot & sweaty from doing the garden. He whines the whole time I was in there. Realise I forgot to get foil on the way home.

13.30: Lunch for meeeeee, then playtime with monkey.

15.00: I’m exhausted and put Dylan in his cot in hopes that he may have a little sleep (he has been rubbing his eyes!) and so can I. He has had 2 short naps already today so I could be pushing my luck!

15.07: Definitely pushing my luck. We have cuddles on the bed which turn into “let’s climb over mummy” so back to the front room.

15.28: But monkey is tired and starts crying. He’s too tired for snacks which he usually eats now…

15.33: … So I get a bottle ready and chilled down as he rubs his eyes and continues to cry. Though we use a perfect prep machine (best baby purchase without a doubt!), when it gets hot out, he prefers it a little cooler than it comes out at.

15.36: Anbesol for his gum and a bottle. He starts to drift off… To nap myself or not…

15.43: Success!

16.26: He wakes up but is still tired. This calls for mummy cuddles. And back to sleep he goes.

17.25: Still trapped under baby. Send chocolate.

17.27: Begrudgingly wake him up, but he needs to wake up as it’s getting late and he still needs his tea, so while I get it ready, I put him in his travel cot/baby jail.

17.44: Tea: “my first Sunday dinner”

17.50: followed by strawberry fromage frais.

18.01: My tea: crispy chicken, chips & beans (some things never change!)

18.54: Have been pinching grapes all day lol. Because of the longer nap being stuck under dylan, we skip bath time. He doesn’t have one every single night anyway.

19.02: Daddy’s home!

19.37: We sit down and start to unwind after Gareth throws Dylan up in the air which makes him throw up a bit. Have to change Dylan & the travel cot. Glad I didn’t get him dressed for bed before! “Hollywood treasures” is on in the background.

19.58: A bit sicky on his clean clothes. It’s all good, could have been worse. Gareth looks after Dylan who is showing no signs of wanting to go to bed (not surprising), while I wash up Dylan’s spoons & bottles and then stick the bottles in the steriliser.

20.00: Big Bang theory! Leonard & penny announce their engagement. We pause a few times to try and get Dylan off to sleep, it doesn’t work. He has a full 8oz bottle (later than his usual 7pm due to late tea. His naps, or lack of, often throw the whole day out) and finally goes to sleep in his cot by 8.30. Gareth pauses until I go back in.

20.37: How I met your mother. Last but one ever episode. Sad times.

21.03: Say goodnight to Gareth and I come to bed…

21.14: … Monkey wakes up. Get him back to sleep. Night all, until Dylan’s next feed.

(Dylan was restless from 12.10, settled a few times but was up at 1. Bottle, bum change and tried to get him back to sleep but wouldn’t. Throw up milk everywhere, PJs changed for both of us, more cuddles and finally back to sleep just before 2am)