Kings Highway Capital Transportation Program (CTP)

Why is the Kings Highway Capital Transportation Program (CTP) important?  

Kings Highway improvements will not occur until at the earliest, mid-2027 unless we gain an expedited funding decision.  A major CTP lobbying effort is called for to not only maintain the current priority #6 ranking but also to get adequate funding applied on a line-item basis.  Meanwhile, Mitchell Farm and other development projects will occur, worsening the already failing highway situation.


Proposed FY21 to FY26 Capital Transportion Program -  Implementation for prioritized projects.  This document shows the #6 ranked project in the State of Delaware lags behind funding and construction when compared to many lower ranked projects.


See pages 13 and 16 for reference to Kings Highway CTP.  Information is very limited.


This is a complete copy of the CTP FY2019- 2024 document


CTP FY2021-FY2026 Spend Plan.  See page 6 showing Kings Highway as Priority 6, Lines 1142-1147. Document is very hard to read.  Visit link to DelDOT site for better detail.

Click Logo Above  ⬆️ to Go to CTP Website; Click picture below ⬇️ to view the CTP Brochure


Each year the Department of Transportation develops a 6-year Capital Transportation Plan (CTP) that identifies anticipated capital investments. This plan is developed in cooperation with the Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO), Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization and Sussex County. The plan provides information on the actual cost expenditures for each project phase that are anticipated in each specific fiscal year.

The documentation below provides detailed information about the Capital Transportation Program (CTP) for the State of Delaware.  You will learn about the critieria that is applied to prioritize individual projects like The Kings Highway CTP and the role the Council on Transportation plays in the process.


DelDOT Project Prioritization Criteria Summary

The criteria selected for the enhanced method of prioritization for projects to be considered for inclusion into the 6 year Capital Transportation Program were based on several factors:


DelDOT Project Prioritization Criteria

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) began the process to enhance the prioritization process to provide greater transparency and accountability to the public for projects included in the 6-year Capital Transportation Program (CTP) and to ensure that all projects are consistent with the mission, vision and goals of the department.



Prioritization Criteria for the Enhanced Prioritization Process

The proposed DelDOT's prioritization criteria is currently under consideration by the Council on Transportation. The reasons for the proposed changes are:


Capital Transportation Program Development Process

This document serves as a guide to the members of the Council on Transportation (COT) and the public on the development of the Capital Transportation Program (CTP). The information provided will highlight and explain the role of the COT in the development of the CTP.