Business Model Descriptors (BMD) Articulation

better articulate your business model for best results

Entrepreneurs/Startup companies may lack clarity and preciseness in articulating their business model and what it would be based on.  High percentage take premature decisions to start a business without knowing enough about it, leading to catastrophic results, including bankrupt and closing down.   

This service aims at helping entrepreneurs/startups avoid such pitfalls from the beginningو and to show them the right approach towards articulating their business model and defining what it takes to succeed and prosper.  

Business Model Descriptors (BMD) articulation asks the core questions about the business model, what it is about, what makes it different from others, who are the target customers, and in which markets these customers may be found.  We will go in our articulation to the basics of the business model to be able to see the "jungle view" and down in details to see the "trees in the jungle" as well.  

There are 12 key questions in the basic BMD articulation that we offer for free, and there are 25 more questions to be asked and answered in the extended BMD articulation that we can offer as "paid service" for interested parties.  It all depends on the boundaries of this articulation, its comprehensiveness and its depth.  It also depends on the complexity of the business model,  the diversity of offerings, target markets and customers, the level of competition,  logistics and supply chain considerations .. etc.

figure it out before you start

I am a firm believer in "proper planning" and "professional preparation" before taking risky decisions of critical impact to you and to your organization's future.   If I am given 10 units of effort/time/money, I would most-likely spend 2 or 3 of these units to validate and verify I am on the right track before I start spending the remaining 7 or 8 units.