eWizdum Premium-Value Services

Pragmatic, results-oriented services to help business owners and senior/executive managers effectively address the challenges they face on ongoing basis, fulfill their commitments towards their organizations and turn their dreams into reality.

Uniquely positioned to help organizations reach their optimal performance

Blending the best methodologies, techniques and tools to deliver expected results & much more with minimal time, effort and investment.

What makes us different 

Our comprehensive approach relies on specific unique merits that characterize our work and distinguish it against others in the marketplace.  Over the past 20 years or so, I have developed my own unique approach to "eWizdum (C) Premium Services" based on 5 pillars:

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From Jordan towards the entire world

Monthly Activity Calendar

I have been offering my premium-value management consultancy and professional services throughout the ME/NA region since 1993 while I was still with SBM (IBM Saudi Arabia). These services came first under the SBM umbrella for customers throughout Saudi Arabia and extending outwards to other neighboring countries.  Upon my departure from SBM in 1998, I have further developed, enhanced and diversified my business model to cover more customers, more countries, more business sectors and more hot topics representing customer/market needs and reflecting dominant and emerging technology and market trends. 

Professional Photo Album

Me & Kaplan

With Arab Association of Arab Universities

Free Support for New Startups

Advanced Sales Techniques

Quality in Higher Education

In the Academic world

In manufacturing 

Presenting at conferences since 1993