micro:bit of Things

Warning - Retiring this website

It is some considerable time since this site was created - shortly after the launch of the micro:bit some of it is now outdated and the resources outlined have been replaced.

Since that time outstanding resources explaining in detail the vast array of ways in which the micro:bit can be used in schools have multiplied on the MakeCode app.

To replace it, I am creating a site for teachers that gives support with STE(A)M type project based learning ideas, and a practical pedagogy for the teaching of physical computing from Year 3 to 10+. Please follo the link below to be redirected.


This site is for teachers. In fact it is for anyone who has their hands on a micro:bit (either model V1 or model V2) and wants to know what they can do with it. I have assumed that those reading these notes are already familiar with the micro:bit. If you are not, I recommend that you follow the link below.

The micro:bit is a superb tool for delivering the physical elements of a computing curriculum and it is a fantastic device on which to base a wide range of STEM projects that involve electrical circuits and electronics. 

The excellent Tutorials section of the makecode.microbit.org website is been regularly updated to include many different micro:bit based science and STEM projects that will enable both you and your pupils to develop their physical computing skills.  Some of the projects written up in this guide are now available as tutorials on the MakeCode website.

For the teacher guide -  https://microbit.org/teach/

To access the tutorials -  https://makecode.microbit.org/

I created this site to publish notes on projects that I have worked on with my pupils so this site will be of interest to teachers who are looking for ideas and advice that will enable them to exploit the capabilities of the micro:bit.

The projects have all been piloted with children in Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 and many are now embedded into the STEM curriculum at my school. They have been designed with tight budgets in mind. With the exception of motor control there is no need to buy expensive add-ons.  All of the components used are cheap and can be recycled.

I have purposely NOT provided schemes of work or lesson plans for all of the projects illustrated as there is considerable variation in the way different schools teach computing, science, D&T and STEM. It is up to individual schools to identify where, within their curriculum, some of these project ideas might be incorporated.  

To encourage schools to make a start I have produced a scheme of work consisting of 12 one hour sessions aimed at primary school children (aged 9 to 11). These first and future steps are for the complete beginner, both children and teachers (follow the link below).

The rationale for placing a strong emphasis on physical computing (control technology) is twofold. 

Firstly,  the selection of suitable projects will provide an engaging and understandable context for the children to learn about computing and the design of computer systems.

Secondly, we need to educate a generation of engineers, designers, technicians and 'Internet of Things' knowledgeable entrepreneurs, to enable the UK to be at the forefront of future technological developments. The school children of today will build and maintain the Internet of Things of the future. Key to this end is enabling children to see how coding and electronics can be made to work with hardware and mechanisms to measure, monitor and control systems that solve real life problems.

To find out more about the IoT, click on the link below.

You can start anywhere with this website, but progression is built into the projects so I advise the beginner to start at number 1 and work through the projects in sequence. All of the scripts  included on this site were created by children, as were the models shown in images and video clips.  

For coding control projects both the BBC Block Editor and the MakeCode Editor work well and are intuitive for children who have grown up with Scratch. I  would express a distinct preference for the MakeCode editor for programs that make use of the input output pins.  

With older children (Year 6 and above) who are feeling a little 'Scratched out'  and are ready to move onto a textural language, I would recommend using the micro:bit Python Editor. This is quite a big step as syntax errors will abound at first and this can be quite dispiriting for young programmers. The ability to switch between the MakeCode block editor and a textural Python view of the same code makes initial experimentation much less frustrating. 

The links below will take you to the blocks and the textural editors for use with the micro:bit.

micro:bit Python Editor                                

Graham Hastings

Head of Computing

St John's College School, Cambridge

CAS Master Teacher
